
Multipage form with conditions !

secteura2 04 Jul, 2009
Hello chronoform users,

i want to build a multi page form with conditions but i d'ont know if choronoform support this feature, i'm gonna explain,

for example the first form page will ask you if you are male or female ? if you click on male you will be redirected to form3 for example, and if you click on female you'll be redirected to form4, then you'll be asked how many children do you have ? you will select a number and you'll be redirected to a form with the number of children to fill in theire names, age ...

hope that you will understand, Thank you everybody🙂
Max_admin 04 Jul, 2009
Hi secteura2,

the first step is to build a regular multi page form (assuming you know how to do this, using the multi page plugin, there is a post with how to do this under the plugins forums) then at form 2, step 2 i mean, add an if statement in PHP to check the gender value, if its male then keep form2 or do nothing but if its female then redirect to another step, the redirect should be by the step navigation link!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
theflyingkiwi 06 Jul, 2009
Hi Max

Where do I find the php code?

Many thanks
GreyHead 06 Jul, 2009
Hi Iain,

Unfortunately it has to be written. There are loads of examples in the forums here though I can't think of one that does exactly this.

If you create the first form (or a simple pilot version of it) and post the debug code you get when submitting it then we can suggest the next step for you.

theflyingkiwi 06 Jul, 2009
Hi Bob

Ah - ok. no probs. THanks for the kind offer. I will have a go myself and if I don't manage (well actaully if I do manage) then I'll post again

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