
More Info Links to New Chronoform Connection but.....

pmsquillace 03 Jul, 2009
Hello all:

I made a display of columns of what I want to show in my results like this crude layout show below.

col 1 col 2 col 3

data data data

At the end of it, I made a "More Information" Link so that people can get more information on that line of data.

So I make a new connection and start to lay out what I want people to see, however, it dawned on me.

How do people see JUST that users information, I mean, what variable do I use to show cf_user_id 's info only?

I tried looking around the forums but could not find this anywhere.

Any advice or help on this would be great.

pmsquillace 05 Jul, 2009
Does anyone have an idea of what I can do to make this More Information work?

Thanks for any help on this,

GreyHead 06 Jul, 2009
Hi Paul,

One solution would be to have the More Info link connect to a ChronoForm using the Profile Plugin - you'd need to add the appropriate cf_user_id to the link url. If I've understood the problem that should work OK.

pmsquillace 06 Jul, 2009
Hi Bob,

Yeah, but if I have like 300 entries, I would have to do this like 300 times.

I was kind of hoping to have something more streamlined where people can see more info in the db with out me having to make a link for each one.

Is this something that can be done?

GreyHead 06 Jul, 2009
Hi Paul,

I'd expect to build the link in the Body section of ChronoConnectivity using a little PHP which will repeat for each record. Here's an example - this one displays detail in a smoothbox but the principle is the same:
<td><a href="{ls_id}" title="<b>{cLsName}</b>" class="smoothbox" id='{ls_id}' >Vue</a>
<div id="cccontent_{ls_id}_tip" style="display: none;">{cLsName} :: </div></td>

pmsquillace 06 Jul, 2009
Thanks Bob,

Hopefully you will be online later when i screw this all up. LOL

I will post here what I come up with and with instructions for other in case they need it as well.

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