
Holiday Booking form & Price list form

auga72 03 Jul, 2009
Dear Admin / Professional Paid Services,

I have two requirements.

1) I have many Tours / Holiday packages which I offer for customers and the prices change often, especially during different seasons ie: Summer & Winter. Hence, I need a form where I can update Selecting my Articles (Tours/Holidays) on a drop-down menu and change the price in one GO, instead of changing the price visiting every Article individually, which is a pain.
Please let me know the cost of the above OR if there is already a Module / Component to achieve the above please let me know.

2) I need to make a booking form, where customers can book holidays, which the form should have the ability of calculating the number of Adults, children, nights, types of hotels, ect as per the price I define.
Please let me know the cost of the above OR if there is already a Module / Component to achieve the above please let me know.

Thanks & Anticipating your quick reply.
GreyHead 08 Jul, 2009
Hi Augustine,

It's very hard to quote without a lot more information about how your site is set up. Modifying existing applications can take more work than starting from scratch :-(

It sounds as though the way to do this would be to keep a separate price/package table that you can update and then look up the latest value in this when the page is displayed. How easy it would be to do this I don't know.

The calculation is a bit simpler - that can probably be done using some JavaScript in the web page - or an Ajax inquiry back to access the database.

auga72 22 Jul, 2009
Hi Bob,
Thanks for your reply on the above request.

Please find my website below for a better understanding.

Also you could go to the booking-form to understand the calculations needed. However, I have partially solved the calculation issue with the BreezingForms Trinity 1.65.

But the 1st issue to update every Article with the Pricing information still remains unsolved.

If you please visit my website, you would understand how the Holidays are designed in Articles and under the Price TAB currently there is nothing appearing.

I don't mind creating any table or data-entry to solve the above issue, but please let me know how I could achieve the above and cost of it.

If some information is sensitive to publish here, please write to my email: auga72 at g m a i l . c o m

Thank you once again

Anticipating your quick reply.
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