
Layout issue of form in Roktabs

waywardnite 03 Jul, 2009
I think I have a conflict somewhere but I just cant find it. My forms look great by themselves with javascript & css turned on. Look great in articles too. But I have one I have that is in an article placed inside Rockethemes rocktabs module that has a little error. The linkback to chronoforms shows up next to the submit button instead of under it. This only happens when inside rocktabs and not when the article with the form is displayed alone. This happens in IE and Firefox.

I know there muct be a conflict somewhere but i just cant find or fix it. Any help will be appreciated.

Please find picture of problem attached. Also to see the problem live visit

Thanks in advance.
Max_admin 04 Jul, 2009
Hi waywardnite,

This should be a css conflict, the link is inside a div, you may add a CSS hack to the DIV style to fix this (I'm not a CSS expert to find what should be the fix and it will depend on the Rok mod code!) or hide it by changing its color or display attribute, or maybe buy a license to get it removed completely!🙂

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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