
Chronoconnectivity in a Chronoform?

j.crilly 03 Jul, 2009
Hi is it possible to have Chronoconnectivity display within a Chronoform? Like a having a subform on the parent form?

---Chronoform begins---
Name *Someone*
Address *Somestreet, Somewhere*
Phone *SomePhone*
---Chronoconnectivity begins---
Dogid Dogname DOB Sex
1 Goober 01/01/01 M /Remove/
2 Shoober 02/02/02 F /Remove/
/Add another dog/
---Chronoconnectivity ends---
--Chronoform ends---
Max_admin 03 Jul, 2009

you need a Connectivity plugin for that which is not yet available but I'm having plans to get one ready soon, the other problem is that the connectivity view have form tags which will conflict with the main form tags, so we need to turn this off some how!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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