
Path problem

syco 02 Jul, 2009
Hi Guys

Hope you are well!
Just migrated a site from my localhost (where everything was working fine..including verification) to a LIVE server.

I used Joomlapack and the form data came across... but when I logged into the Admin of the site.. and clicked on the chronoform I had created to edit it... I get the following ERROR screen displayed...

Not Found

The requested URL /installation/index.php was not found on this server.
Apache Server at Port 80

The web hosts said to uninstall choroform, reinstall and then recreate the form again... so i did this using ChronoForms_V3.1_RC5.0 and it installs OK as the component parameters are there. I went ahead trying to create a new form using the FORM WIZARD.. and when I tried to SAVE the newly created form.. I got the same error again..

Any ideas.. I'd be more than happy to PM admin login details if required to Bob or Db

Look forward to a prompt reply 🙂

Max_admin 03 Jul, 2009
Hi Syco,

I think this is a permissions problems, make sure all the files and folders have the same owner with proper read permissions after the move, specifically the configuration.php file!

Let us know!


P.S: google the error and you will find punch of posts about it and how its solved😉
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
syco 04 Jul, 2009
Hi Max,

I not sure what it is.. I checked permissions on the config.php and it's 755. (which I think correct?) plus I have been able to load other plugins that work: eg onpixelaudio, attachments, JCE... but I'm also having a simliar problem with joomlapack as well. Plus the web hosting company says it's not a server issue.😟

I'm a bit desperate to have this work ASAP. I had a browse via google for different errors... but i would of thought uninstalling and reinstalling would of fixed it.

Do you mind if I ask you to have a quick look for me? I'll send the Admin and FTP details.


syco 04 Jul, 2009
Hi Max,

I just want to make sure I understand which files you are talking about.
So to clarify your question more... is this the correct path for the files you want me to change to read-write 755 (plus i have added the current permission info)!

configuration.php : path = root/ (permissions-755)

Chronoforms admin folders and files under FTP
path: root/administrator/components/com_chronocontact/admin.chronocontact.php (permissions-644)
path: root/administrator/components/com_chronocontact/admin.chronocontact.html.php (permissions-644)
path: root/administrator/components/com_chronocontact/chronocontact.class.php (permissions-644)
these are a few example files...and so on...

BTW - They have the same 'owner' as the other working components!

A lot to do.. just to do test.. install a new Joomla ... hope I dont have to ;(

I would of thought it was a 'path' issue.. as the error reads installation/index.php
"Not Found
The requested URL /installation/index.php was not found on this server."


Max_admin 06 Jul, 2009
Hi Michael,

I suggested a solution at your email message, let me know the results there please

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
syco 08 Jul, 2009
Hi Max,

The web hosting company have set this site up on a completely new Apache Server (they only used Zeus in the past) and they have also another client using chronoforms with the exact same issues.. so they now believe it could be a problem at their end. I haven't had a chance to run the 2nd Joomla install in the sub directory.. but will let you know once I have as I'm waiting for them to give me an extra database.. as they haven't offered cpanel.

Cheers.. and desperate 😛

GreyHead 08 Jul, 2009
Hi Michael,

I'm picking this up a bit late and trying to make sense of it. The error

The requested URL /installation/index.php was not found on this server.

suggests that the installation check failed in framework.php and the error then arises because the installation folder has been deleted (as it should have been on a live installation).

The framework.php check is at line 27 and uses these tests
!file_exists( JPATH_CONFIGURATION . DS . 'configuration.php' ) 
|| (filesize( JPATH_CONFIGURATION . DS . 'configuration.php' ) < 10) 
|| file_exists( JPATH_INSTALLATION . DS . 'index.php' 

The last one can't be the problem so either there is a problem with the configuration.php file or the definition of JPATH_CONFIGURATION (which is set to JPATH_ROOT on my system).

This is all very odd . . . I still don't see why this error would be triggered by only the ChronoForms admin - as far as I know it doesn't run any installation checks of its own.

syco 08 Jul, 2009
Hi again.

Looks like the Web host does have server issues. :o😈
Don't worry for the moment.. as they have move my site to a Zeus server for the period while they fix their issues, sorry to screw you around.. but you may hear from me when I go back the the Apache server.😉

Thx for your help Cheers,

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