
Validation JS Error with ChronoForms_V3.1_RC5.2

leolll 01 Jul, 2009
I'm getting a JS error since upgrading from chronoforms_v3.1_rc5.0 to ChronoForms_V3.1_RC5.2. If has to do with Livevalidation:

Error: CF_LV_Type is not defined
Source File: /components/com_chronocontact/js/livevalidation_standalone.js
Line: 101

This area of code has been changed in the upgrade. Here's the RC5.0 code

this.onInvalid = options.onInvalid || function(){ this.insertMessage(this.createMessageSpan()); this.addFieldClass(); };	

Here's the RC5.2 code

     this.onInvalid = options.onInvalid || function(){ 
		  if(CF_LV_Type == 'default'){
			if(!this.showErrorSpan())this.insertMessage(this.createMessageSpan()); this.addFieldClass();
		  if(CF_LV_Type == 'showalert'){
			this.showErrorSpan(); this.addFieldClass();
leolll 01 Jul, 2009
Nevermind. I didn't have "Load Chronoforms CSS/JS Files?" set to "Yes". 😀
Max_admin 01 Jul, 2009
Hi Leo, this is also connected to a glitch in RC5.2 which i fixed and will release later today in RC5.21

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
leolll 01 Jul, 2009
Also, if the user submits an invalid captcha, the form isn't saving the fields and no error message is shown. Is that being addressed in RC5.21?
Max_admin 01 Jul, 2009

Also, if the user submits an invalid captcha, the form isn't saving the fields and no error message is shown. Is that being addressed in RC5.21?

Hi Leo, no, I think this is some misconfiguration at your end because it works fine here, I will get a captcha error if there is any!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
leolll 02 Jul, 2009
Thanks for the reply Max. I had forgotten to also upgrade the plug-in to RC5.2. It's now working.
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