
Major issue - don't know how to address...

cb1 29 Jun, 2009
Having a problem with a form on a clients web site.

It is a large employment application.

People take time to fill it out and submit it and get this error message:

"There is no form with this name or may be the form is unpublished, Please check the form and the url and the form management"

Could something maybe be timing out? Like I said - it could take 15 minutes to fill out.

I am trying to get answers from my client to questions I have - "when was the last time it worked correctly?" Is one.

- - Just received and answer to one of my questions - they recieved a few forms Sunday - but a person cam e to their office this morning and said they filled out the form 3 times yesterday and got the same error. needless to say they were not happy.

Let me know what I can be looking at. As everything seems fine on the surface. The forms just aren't submitting.
maxqdesigns 29 Jun, 2009
Do you have "Send Email Results" checked and the form enabled in the "Setup Emails" tab?

cb1 29 Jun, 2009
Yes - thanks for asking though. We are looking at it now. It seems to be isolated to one of four forms on the site. However - it's that largest and busiest of the four.

I will reply with what we find out. Seems to be an anomaly at the moment though.
apabiona 29 Jun, 2009
You're having a Joomla timeout.
Place this on top of your form html.
<?php echo JHTML::_('behavior.keepalive'); ?>
Found this trick on one of the threads here, hope it helps.
Max_admin 30 Jun, 2009

You're having a Joomla timeout.
Place this on top of your form html.
<?php echo JHTML::_('behavior.keepalive'); ?>
Found this trick on one of the threads here, hope it helps.

Hi apabiona,

Yes, I think this should work but to keep a logged in user from getting logged out, not sure if it will fix this issue we have here which may be a bug, are you sure that it fixes the same problem above ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
pxforti 14 Jul, 2009

I am having similar problem. I have a long form that takes a long time to fill out; users get form not available / timeout message when they fill it out. There is no user login.

I can complete the form with no problems, but I only take 3 minutes to complete it. Will the keep alive code keep the session alive?

Did you find a solution to this?

I am using version 3.0 Stable

cb1 14 Jul, 2009
Try the keepalive code and see.

We are not sure if it was that - or installing Max's latest version. But there haven't been any issues in a couple weeks since doing both.

I guess - regarding the keepalive seesion code - is that it tries to block the server from some time-out issue. So your server may be set up under shorter rules? Just a guess.

But make sure you are using the latest version of the component - that's always a good place to start.
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