
Arranging a variable payment system?

derebo 29 Jun, 2009

I've been reading about different forms for Joomla 1.5 and your looks really interesting! Before giving it a try, there's a question I have in mind that I'd like to ask.

I need to link the form to a payment system (most probably Paypal). The amount to be charged will not be fixed (say usd30) but will depend on the options chosen by the user.

computer usd100
dropdown list: mouse a usd5; mouse b usd10
checkboxes: home delivery usd20; insurance usd15; software install usd10

So you can see the amount to be charged will depend on the options chosen. Can ChronoForms handle that? Apart from submiting a confirmation email to the user and me, data should be stored in a database accessible in the frontend for registeresd users (me). But ChronoForms can do that already, I think. So the main issue is the variable payment system.

Look forward to hearing from anyone with a solution, suggestions, just anything!

Max_admin 30 Jun, 2009
Hi derebo,

While implementing the paypal solution with the form you will be at some point where you will need to supply the amount field name or value of your form, with one line of code you can do some processing on the supplied value, once you face this situation please post again and everything should be more clear to tell!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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