
Styling the Submit Button

maxqdesigns 28 Jun, 2009
Hello All,

I am trying to get the submit button to style properly. In the style1.css file there is a class called .button. Changing the properties of that class does not do anything to the submit button on the form when viewed live. Either does editing the cf_button1 class.

Also, I tried to give the input tag of the button a class name in the elements.php file and saved it. Nothing happened viewing it live. I just recently installed all RC5.1 elements and the form in question is on a section page using the plugin.

Can someone help?

Thanks a Bunch,
maxqdesigns 29 Jun, 2009
Is there anyone who can help me with this problem?

maxqdesigns 29 Jun, 2009
Ok, so I fiddled around with this some more. The .cf_button class which is called in the style1.css file is the class for the div that holds the submit button. The actual css sytle for the button is being applied using the input class, which is not the style I want for the button.

When I try to create a new class in the style1.css file called .button and apply the class to the button code on the file elements.php, it does not show when seen with the browser. Basically when I edit the elements.php file nothing happens on the front-end.

Max_admin 30 Jun, 2009
Hi Shannon,

Try to add any CSS classes to the Style code box under the form code tab and it should override the ones in the file, if it didn't then use the !important word after the property!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
maxqdesigns 09 Jul, 2009
Thanks Max,

That worked! So what is the difference between editing the html code under the Form tab and editing the elements.php file? I mean you can totally delete the elements.php file and the forms still work as normal.

GreyHead 09 Jul, 2009
Hi Shannon,

I suspect that the elements.php file is a set of templates used by the Form Wizard. So any changes there will only show up in new forms created by the Wizard.

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