
Multi-Page Plugin and PayPal Plugin Question

pmsquillace 28 Jun, 2009
Hello All:

I have been following the instructions at this post here by Bob -

I have a couple of questions on this.

1. I read that the DB gets saved on the 'Mother_Form' which I did. Does the Thank You Page Redirect and PayPal Plug-ins go in this form too?

2. I am creating a Multi-Form where people fill in information and the next step go to a Payment Information Form. On the last step, shouldn't it go to paypal?

3. How do I get my SSL to activate on the Payment Form?

4. I have a multi-handler in Step 1 with 2 email fields in the multi-handler. Only 1 email is required but when the form goes to final submit, on the payment screen, I get the error 'At least one email is required'. but one email is in the field.

I guess that is all for now,

Thanks for any help or advice on this.

pmsquillace 28 Jun, 2009
ok, I turned on debug mode and I got this

&PAYMENTACTION=Sale&EXPDATE=052011&AMT=0&CREDITCARDTYPE=Mastercard&ACCT=5439999999999993&CVV2=&FIRSTNAME=Michael&LASTNAME=Squillace&STREET=376+Dluhosh+Road&CITY=Onalaska&STATE=Washington&ZIP=98570&COUNTRYCODE=&CURRENCYCODE= The PayPal API has returned an error!Ack:FailureCorrelation ID:7805fc8844e82Version:56.0Error Number:10002Short Message:Security errorLong Message:Security header is not valid

if someone can tell me what this means that would be a big help, on and the other numbers above.😀
pmsquillace 29 Jun, 2009
ok, I got past this so no need to reply.

The authorize security issue was that I had the two feilds filled in wrong in the paypal plug in so by bad.

Now the payment will not take so any thoughts on that would be a big help,

Max_admin 30 Jun, 2009
Hi Paul,

What do you get in the debug now ?

I wish the debug message you posted was for an invalid CC number because a CC number was there with some personal details!😲

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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