
Validation message: Where do I format it?

lelias2k 26 Jun, 2009

I want to change the way the validation message is displayed. I love that the messages appear on the fly, as users change fields, but right now the message appears as a block, moving the whole form around every time it happens.

I understand that there's the advantage that the user will definitely notice the message, I'd like to be able to format it so it is a little less intrusive.

Where do I change the style setting for the message? Is it all in the MooValidation.js file?

Thanks in advance,

lelias2k 26 Jun, 2009
Don't worry about it, I got it in the js file.🙂
Max_admin 28 Jun, 2009
Hi Luciano, I'm interested to know the meaning of "appear on the fly"🙂

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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