id; ?>Now that the editing is taken over by CF, what is the best way to populate fields with user data?Thanks,Olaf"> Populate field with current user id - Forums


Populate field with current user id

olafvdg 26 Jun, 2009
Hi Max,

Thanks for the excellent work, I think the integration of CF and CC is great and very promising for the future!

Now, in the old CC I could populate fields with user data by using the "On Save Code" as shown below.

 $user =& JFactory::getUser();

Now that the editing is taken over by CF, what is the best way to populate fields with user data?


olafvdg 30 Jun, 2009
Max, Bob,

I've been experimenting with $MyRow, $MyForm in the OnSaveCodes in CF,
that's where the magic should happen right?

But I cannot find the right way....

Please can you help me out...

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