

dbran 26 Jun, 2009
I have not been able to get either captcha system to work after many hours reading documentation, searching the forum and working on configuring my first form. I don't know what I'm doing wrong and I think I'm stuck.

Right now I have registered with ReCaptcha and have entered the keys I was generated. When I submit the form, it says I need to re-enter the code, the code isn't even on the page I'm redirected to to re-enter the code, just {ReCaptcha).

Above is the link to my form. I would sure appreciate being shown what direction to take. If I can get one form working properly and set up correctly, it will be easy to configure subsequent ones.
Max_admin 26 Jun, 2009
Hi dbran, when I look at your form I can see its working fine and has a recaptcha box!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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