
Session timeout, back button and saved Data...HOW??

weutubedu 22 Jun, 2009
Hi All,

I will try and explain this so it makes sense.

[list]1:: I had a client who was filling out the order form and after some time when he hit enter is said "Session timeout please login"
I think I have this fixed. I went to Joomla Glodbal Configuration and changes the session timeout from 15 minutes to 160.

Is that ok for this issue or is there something else I have to do?[/list]
[list]2:: I would like to add a back button so that in the event that my client needs to go back and correct something they can.
My form is set up in multi-page style with 6 steps.

Step 1: Introduction to the form and about the process
Step 2: Client Details
Step 3: CLient enters 15 Titles and Subtitle they wish to include
Step 4: Client selects music genres
Step 5: Client selects images and uploads them to my database
Step 6: This isnt actually part of the form but Step 5 upon submit redirects to this page, paypal payment page

As you can see there are multiple steps and if my client wishes to go back and say correct or change somethign in step 3 how can this be done?[/list]

[list]3:: This relates to question 2.

How can I make it possible for the information that my client entered to be saved so that if they go back it reloads it and isnt a blank page?[/list]

I am not a pro on this and the coding for it. I have been through this forum and have seen people posting all this code but I have no clue where they got it or so. 😶
If someone could help me please that would be great and much appreciated as my site is live😀
Max_admin 22 Jun, 2009
Hi weutubedu,

#1- That's ok!
#2- you can a link to other steps using : link_to_mother_form&cfformstep=step_number
#3- lets get #2 done first then let me know your comments!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
weutubedu 22 Jun, 2009
Hi Max,

I did as you said.
At the end of each code on each child form I added
<a href="index.php?option=com_chronocontact&chronoformname=mother2&cfformstep=2">BACK</a> 

Then in each "child" and "mother" form I set
Enable mambots? YES
Republish fields if error occured? TRY TO REPUBLISH

I have tested it and it seems to work.

Is there anything else I need to do and did I even do that stuff right? :?

Thanks again

I don't know why I enabled mambots when I think of it, I think its for the chronocontacts or I have totally lost the plot! 🤣
Max_admin 22 Jun, 2009
Hi weutubedu,

great, you don't need to enable mambots of course!

so, 1,2 are done now and we only need 3 ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
weutubedu 22 Jun, 2009
Hi Max,

Yes all we need is #3.

However, if I enter information in say Step 1, click next to go to Step 2 and enter details, then click "BACK" takes me back to Step 1 with all the fields still filled in. It seems to work.

Naturally, once I have done that and gone back to Step 1 with the fields still filled out, make a tiny change and hit Next, the information I entered in Step 2 is gone because I never hit "Next" to save it. This is understandable😀
Apart from that it seems to save the data.

:? Really don't know how it worked.
I forgot to mention that for the mother form while I was trying to figure out how to get it to work I checked it and then clicked confirmation page plugin on the left and saved by accident. I don't think this affected it, did it? :?
Max_admin 22 Jun, 2009
Ok, I will investigate the issue and get back to you later today!🙂

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Max_admin 23 Jun, 2009
Hi weutubedu,

I want to update your about this issue, I tested it and it looks fine but it has a small glitch which you may not observe, just enable the "try to republish" option at all forms General tab and it should work fine for you, the new release will have a new small enhancement though!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
weutubedu 24 Jun, 2009
Thanks Max!

It works great but another issue has risen. 😑

I had to split the last step of image uploading of 15 images into three seperate child forms allowing the client to upload five images at a time. Before, they would upload 15 images on the last step and hit submit which would send me an email INCLUDING their 15 images. However, sometimes my clients got "You can not access this URL". I know this is the SPAM security and I have removed that line of code for now. I then decided to split the form into 3 child forms of 5 images each.

The issue now is I have forms A, B and C and only the images on C are sent via the email as C is the last step before the email is sent. Any ideas?
Max_admin 25 Jun, 2009
Please check that the images from A and B are uploaded ? I will check that too!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
weutubedu 30 Jun, 2009
Hi Max,
Sorry about late reply, been busy with work.

Images on the image forms A & B indeed do upload as do images on form C. However, only the images on form C (it being the last step to process) are sent with the email.
BigCol 19 Nov, 2009
Hi guys,

Just as an FYI my pages were displaying incorrectly (no styling for some reason or simply not at all with a database error message) when I used the:

<a href="index.php?option=com_chronocontact&chronoformname=mother2&cfformstep=2">BACK</a>

I'm not sure if it is normal but the link the above created was:

I found that inputting the whole address worked for me and the forms displayed correctly:

<a href="">BACK</a>

Great application guys and this forum is such a wealth of knowledge.
pjohnson 23 Mar, 2012

I am having some problems getting the back button to work as desired in a multi page form.

I've taken a couple of cracks at it, but when I go to the previous page, all of the data the user entered is gone. I'd like to preserve it, and if possible, remember any input that was entered on the page, whether the user uses the SUBMIT button or the BACK button.

For example:
Page 1
		<div class="form_item">
			<div class="form_element cf_textbox">
				<input class="cf_inputbox required" 
					type="text" title="Provide your first and last name." 
					placeholder="FIRST NAME" id="text_1a" name="firstname" size="20"
					value="<?php JRequest::getString('firstname', '' ); ?>"

Page 2:

Attempt #1:

	echo( "\t<a id='backBtn' "
			. "href='index.php?option=com_chronocontact"
			. "&chronoformname=Sensitizers&Itemid=100221&cfformstep=$f'>"
			. "Back</a> \n" );

That goes back to the previous page, but the data is gone.

Attempt #2:

I also tried using a SUBMIT button to go back with a hidden cfformstep field.

No joy either way. The hidden cfformstep field is ignored and I go to the next page.

How do I get this to work? I know the data is there from page to page because it is all available to the eMail template.

Thanks much,

Chronoforms 3.2
Joomla 1.5
pjohnson 23 Mar, 2012
I figured it out. I was not checking the "Republish form fields on error" option.

That did the trick!

CF takes care of filling in the "value" attribute. Cool ....

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