
Inserting flash mutliple upload app

jnba 20 Jun, 2009

is it possible to add an upload app into the form such as this one

or any one you may know of, the form i already have has 15 fields for uploads i would like to take those off and add the flash uploader send the email with the specified file names thats about it..

any help is greatly appreciated.



Instead i would like to use fancyuploader, beacause of the multiupload.
I was looking at a few posts but didnt understand anything this possible? im pretty dizzy thinking on how to get those files names in the email and their correspoding directory.. 🙄
Max_admin 22 Jun, 2009
Hi John,

getting the files path is easy, its stored in your form uploads config, getting files names is easy too, but using these uploaders is the not easy thing, I will try this flash uploader later and let you know!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
jnba 22 Jun, 2009
hi max

fancyupload is more of a choice beacause of the “Queued Photo Uploader”.. well ill be here please do let me know.


jnba 22 Jun, 2009

i think inaflash uploader is way more easier too use/integrate..

nml375 22 Jun, 2009
Hi John,
The big "issue" with all these Flash-based uploaders, is that they all rely on separate form submissions for the file uploads - whereas CF expects everything to be submitted in a single transaction. I've done some experimenting on the possibility of background uploads using IFrame/ajax, with is pretty much similar to using flash uploaders.

Using IFrame uploads, I've successfully managed to upload files and make the file appear to CF as if it was uploaded. Unfortunately, a security feature in php blocks further progress "down that tree". Instead, you'd have to add the file data and attachments manually to any emails and db-record by hand as needed. Since this is very form specific, there's no universal piece of code to cut'n'paste, but instead you'll have to re-code a lot of work that chronoforms usually does by itself.

I've read somewhere that using Flash-based uploaders adds additional issues, as cookie data from the browser such as session identifiers might not be provided during the upload - meaning you might have to add url-encoded field-data to properly identify the correct session (so that the uploaded file gets associated with the proper form submission, etc). This is not something I've tested or confirmed myself though.

Regarding FancyUpload;
Joomla uses the old v1.0 FancyUpload within the MediaManager, and also provides "easy" access to incorporate it into your component/module/etc (as coder/developer). Unfortunately, this old version breaks with Flash10 and some browsers, leaving you with the classic file upload input. You could probably add the more recent versions (v2.0 or v3.0) with a little care and a sledgehammer, though you could probably not make use of the fancy code-snippet.
"JHTML::_('behavior.uploader', 'upload_1', array('url' => 'http://.....&task=extra'));"

You'd still have to write some upload manager to recieve the uploaded file and "tie" it to the current form session, so that you may tie the file to the form submission later on.

jnba 22 Jun, 2009
hi fredrik,

Im a major NOOB here on all terms and have looked at this code which i think would be easier to add in here? and it creates a output.txt with details of what was uploaded.

I really don't need file attachments of uped files or saving data to DB, yes save the files to the server as its doing now and send a email with details and files sent.

If i could understand the process and varibles in joomla i think it could be accomplished.

Please take a look at the url above.


nml375 22 Jun, 2009
Hi John,
From what I can gather, inaflashuploader (iafu) should do just as well as any other flash uploader. You would still face the issue of handling the upload on the web server. What all these uploaders do is upload each file in a separate transaction. As such, Joomla and ChronoForms won't know how they're related. For CF to be able to attach the uploaded file to an email, or even provide information on what file was uploaded, it must know which file belonged to which form submission. The upload.php script provided with the iafu will not work for this, and must be replaced.

As for iafu vs fancyupload, I'd say they're roughly equally complicated to get working. Adding the uploader to your form page would be next to trivial. The main issue is to get CF to be aware of the uploaded file, which requires some custom code depending on your form.

As of right now, I'm out of town for a few days, so it might be a few days until I get hold of the code I had partially working.

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