
Fatal error shown after submission

opal 20 Jun, 2009
Fatal error: Call to undefined method JRequest::checktoken() in /home/easyque/public_html/components/com_chronocontact/chronocontact.php on line 110

this is the error i get after i press submit on the form.

the antispam and hte e-mails have all been configured. Please help why this shows.
GreyHead 20 Jun, 2009
Hi opal,

Which Joomla version do you have? This is a Joomla function, not a ChronoForms one and it 'ought' to be available everywhere.

opal 20 Jun, 2009
i am using joomla 1.5.0. i have used chronoform before and it worked fine. i didn;t have any problem with the older version of chrono form.
GreyHead 20 Jun, 2009
Hi opal,

Hmmm . . . you are about 11 security releases behind - current version is 1.5.11. Can you upgrade to the current release? If not, I'll try to think of a fix (I think this change came in about version 1.5.6).

opal 20 Jun, 2009
i will try upgrading the site to the latest version and let you know if the problem is still there. Thanks for the help.
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