
issue with captcha

kiwidesign 19 Jun, 2009
Hi there

We are having some issues with the captcha on our form. We are using the standard chronoforms captcha and when we turn on sef urls in the Joomla global config the captcha seems to stop functioning.

I have checked the md5 strings it compares in the checkImageVerification() function in the Chronoform class and it is bringing back 'default' for the session variable, which would suggest it cannot find it.

Does anyone have any ideas on why sef urls would be causing this?
Max_admin 19 Jun, 2009

Which Chronoforms and Joomla versions ? it stops functioning means the image doesnt display or always return wrong code ? did you check the session data after the image is displayed (not after the form is submitted!) ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
lukash 19 Jun, 2009

I've got the same problem...
Image is displayed on the form, but when the user enters the code validation says it's incorrect. It happens roughly 40% of the times in my case. Mind you I'm sure it's not the user error, but some kind of a bug.

Joomla is 1.5.11, ChronoForms 3.1 RC5.1. And yes I've got the standard Joomla SEF enabled. I don't use anything advanced with my forms, so most of settings are default.

Can't really provide more details, had to disable Captcha until this bug is resolved.
Max_admin 21 Jun, 2009
Hi lukash,

try to change the session handler in your Joomla global config, there are no known bugs with the captcha!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Max_admin 21 Jun, 2009
do you have more than 1 form in the same page ? like 1 in the page body and one in a module ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
lukash 24 Jun, 2009

I changed the Session Handler setting from Database to None. Form captcha seems to work fine now. But I wonder why is it bugged when default Joomla setting is used and if its ok to just change the handler to none (will everything else work like before).

And no I had only 1 form per page.

Thanks for your assistance.

Max_admin 25 Jun, 2009
Hi Lukasz,

Its ok to change the handler to none, Chronoforms users a Joomla sessions code which is "handler" independent, so if there is a problem with the database one then its beyond Chronoforms, its either Joomla (I don't think so) or maybe your database!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
kiwidesign 21 Jul, 2009

Changing the handler to none definately fixed the image verification.
Can anyone give me any pointers on where to look to make changes so I can turn the handler back to database.
I am running community builder.

dsmflash 21 Jul, 2009
same here. can't use SEF and Chrono. posted on this issue but no one could figure it out. would love to know the cause.
Max_admin 26 Jul, 2009
@Kate, no idea why database doesn't work, as I said I don't specify this in CF itself, try to check Joomla forums and see if anybody knows why sessions don't work fine with handler = database ?

@dsmflash, which SEF component do you have ? please show me the topic or start a new one since this is off topicπŸ˜‰

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Max_admin 27 Jul, 2009
hmm, this link is to some unrelated post ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
katandmouse 29 Dec, 2011
I have the same problem. I cannot get past the captcha. Tried a dozen times. I know I was doing it right. I turned off the JoomSEF extension for that component. Didn't help. Don't know what else to do but open up my client to spam by turning off captcha altogether.😟(
GreyHead 29 Dec, 2011
Hi katandmouse,

Please upgrade to CFV4 RC 3.0 if you haven't already done so.

katandmouse 29 Dec, 2011
Hello Bob. Nice seeing you again. yes, I will. Thank you.
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