
Can I put Form into a non joomla site.

ianhard 19 Jun, 2009
Hi there, I have another site that I'd like to use the form on that isn't joomla. Is it possible to embed the chronoform into a htm page.
Because I was thinking of having the website in the root folder and installing joomla into a sub folder, so I could use that to generate my forms and galleries etc. Is that possible or am I tripping.
GreyHead 19 Jun, 2009
Hi ianhard,

It's possible but not practical - ChronoForms needs the Joomla Framework loaded so you end up adding loads of extra lines into the PHP.

The other way round is practical - to create a Joomla site that looks as though it is basic html. I worked on an example for a client this week <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> - all you can see is a single page but that's actually a ChronoForm embedded in there.

Otherwise you could look at Wufoo forms which you can embed into any site.

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