
BCO - Comedy Portal ... i think

ColoradoGolf 04 Jun, 2010
I must say, I was highly impressed with your site. As a comedian myself (song parodies are my specialty), I am predisposed, I guess, to all comedy sites, and will frequent yours often. Your work looks impeccable.
NetSurf8 04 Jun, 2010
I second what ColoradoGolf said. The video integration works pretty nice. Im still pretty new to ChromoComments so its great to see different implementation which gives me an idea on how to use it myself. Btw, I love Eddie Izzard. 🙂
liftkit 16 Jul, 2010
that was awesome!
JJDavise 17 Oct, 2012
Yes I like it too . It's very nice .
oniexn 19 Oct, 2012
The site is nice but there is no video when I click that page.
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