
modules disappear when viewing articles

tokenring 18 Jun, 2009
Okay this has happened to me before, but I wasn't the one that rectified the error so I'm not sure what exactly I have to do. Here is the problem. I have a couple of modules that I have on each side of the main section of my homepage. These modules are still available when I go to any section on my site. However, if I click the link of an article in one of these sections, the modules on the right and left hand sides disappear???

example. I have a shoutbox module on the left hand side of my site and I have 2 most popular modules on the right side of my site. If I go to any of my 5 sections, the modules on the right and left sides stay there, but as soon as I click an article, they disappear. This happens for all sections except for one. Any ideas???

tokenring 18 Jun, 2009
I went to the modules in question and disabled them on all menus, then re-enabled them again and it works. ????

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