
Multi Page Form with joomla tabs and slides plugin?

Attila16881 18 Jun, 2009
I would like to use this plugin to enable ajax tabs to the forms. I enabled the mambot feature in the form but the tabs doesnt display correctly. Only "{tab=tabname}code{tab=tabname2}code{/tabs}" is displayed without using the plugin.

The only way to multi page form is to use the suggestion you give and the integrated multipage plugin?

Another question: is it possible to visualize forms that retreive data from db in cb-profile with chrono forms?
GreyHead 18 Jun, 2009
Hi Attila16881,

Have you got "Enable mambots?" set to 'Yes' in the form General tab?

And yes you can retrieve data from any table.

Attila16881 18 Jun, 2009
yes as i said before: I enabled the mambot feature in the form (General tab)

now i checked the form code, saved again and it works... i dont know what appened before (probably the old rc5 version that now i have updated)
Attila16881 18 Jun, 2009
about data from db and users profile.
The pages i have to create are user data specific but the pages arent in the profile page.
On the main menu i have simply the links for registered users, when user1 click on form1 he sees a page with his data, if users2 click on the same link he sees other data values

user1 logged

MainMenu: LinkA - Form1

Page Form1: data from user1

user2 logged

MainMenu: LinkA - Form1

Page Form1: data from user2
GreyHead 19 Jun, 2009
Hi Attila16881,

I'm sorry, I don't understand the question.

Max_admin 22 Jun, 2009

about data from db and users profile.
The pages i have to create are user data specific but the pages arent in the profile page.
On the main menu i have simply the links for registered users, when user1 click on form1 he sees a page with his data, if users2 click on the same link he sees other data values

user1 logged

MainMenu: LinkA - Form1

Page Form1: data from user1

user2 logged

MainMenu: LinkA - Form1

Page Form1: data from user2

Hi, if the form is configured correctly with the profile plugin then this should work fine because the form will load the current logged in user's id which is different and based on your config will show different output!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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