
how can i get an autonumeric id?

jehds 17 Jun, 2009
Hello, and thanks for helpme

i made a register form with this data:
email adress

* folio is hidden key and numeric autoincrement

so, problem is when i want to send data for email, because i dont know how can i get number folio?

for example:

folio: 001
name: Eduardo Hernandez
School: ITESCA
email adress: [email][/email]

this data its into register table.

now, what am i need for get this number from register table and put in email?.

GreyHead 19 Jun, 2009
Hi jehds,

Is the folio the same as the Joomla User ID? If so then I think you cna get it by using $user = JFactory::getUser(); after the registration is complete. (Search here on getUser for mor information.)

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