
How can I send images to my email on a multi-page form?

weutubedu 17 Jun, 2009

I am going to be a pain in the rear and ask another question because I am completely lost and have no hair left. 😟 Right now I want to take a hammer to my computer too!

Ok, so if I create a form, say to upload images and I create a table for the form and enter the details for the email settings....
It uploads the image to the database AND sends me an email with the image as an attachment!


However, that is a single page form. 😟 😟

Now I have a multi-page form and one of the steps is to upload images. I have copied the info for "File Uploads" from that child form and pasted in the "Mother Form".
Images are uploaded to the database with ease and I get an email with the image names but no attached images like in the single page form.

I thought I could live with this but it proves a problem when I get a lot of users uploading images and I have to go scanning through 100's to find one.

Please can someone help me figure this out? I need it so that it sends the form like my single page one with the attachment for each form fille dout.

I really hope this makes sense, my head is fried...
GreyHead 17 Jun, 2009
Hi weutubedu,

You'll need to add some code to the Email template to make the file names into links. Or to create a $attachments array for the mother form (I forget the exact variable name now - it changed recently - but it's been much discussed here),

weutubedu 17 Jun, 2009
Ok, I don't know the code I am not very good at the coding part but I will search these forums for it

Thanks again 😀
weutubedu 17 Jun, 2009
My Emails Telmplate looks like this

Type of Video:

Uploaded Images:

I dont even know if I made it right, it was just fluke
weutubedu 17 Jun, 2009
Hey Bob,

I am so happy I could cry tears of joy!!!

I don't know how it worked but I swapped the steps and made the step where you upload your images the last step in the process and it seems to have done the trick! It sends the image as an attachment now!
I don't know how but I am just happy now!

GreyHead 17 Jun, 2009
Hi weutubedu,

Yes that does make sense when I think about it - the $attachments array is still corrrectly set after the last step.

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