
Captcha is giving me aggeda

pmsquillace 16 Jun, 2009
Hello All:

I have a form that I made that is a new registration form at this link

When I submit the form it will tell me that the image is wrong. If I fill out the form again, I get the same message.

It is not until I do this a third time do I get my results to what was in the form ON TOP of the blank form again with a submit button and a CAPTCHA Message that it is not in again.

I know this is a matter of me getting the setting just right but I have tried this like every which way.😑

Can someone please advise or offer any help on this for me,

Thanks so much,

GreyHead 16 Jun, 2009
Hi Paul,

Please turn validation and limit repeat submissions off - I'm not going to hang around for 5 minutes before I re-test.

pmsquillace 16 Jun, 2009
Opps! LOL, sorry about that.

Ok they are off now and thanks for the help on this,

GreyHead 16 Jun, 2009
Hi Paul,

It submitted Ok once I had all the right fields matched up - but then there's a ReCaptcha error message and you aren't using ReCaptcha! Have you got the plugin enabled - if so please un-check it on the Plugins tab.

pmsquillace 16 Jun, 2009
oh wait. What is that image verification. That is not re-captcha?

Uhg... I must have been assuming they were both the same thing.

ok, thanks for the help.

GreyHead 16 Jun, 2009
Hi Paul,

ChronoForms has a built in captcha called 'ImageVerification' which is entirely on your local site. But it does rely on sessions and some permissions - these are OK for 98% of users. ReCaptcha is an external captcha system that can be used when the ChronoForms system doesn't work on a particular host setup (or when you prefer the look and feel of ReCaptcha).

In any case you don't need both.

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