
Can't submit Comment since 1.2 release [solved]

potus 15 Jun, 2009
I have joomla 1.5 et try to update 1.2 release of ChronoComments. Since I have update it, I can't submit comment or reponse comment. That seems not be the same problem of Hollysmith (Can't submit comment) who have template problem.

I have error with hideemail who is undefined (see with ie navigator, no error message with Mozilla and same problem).

I have uncheck email in configuration, and i have same problem.

This bug is referenced, have you solution ?
potus 15 Jun, 2009
With Mozilla firebug i can see that :

I am continuing the investigation, but if you see just where is the problem do not hesitate to give me advice !
potus 15 Jun, 2009
Solution on edit Script.js :

1. hideemail

	}else if((!hideemail)&&($chk($('ccemail_'+submitid)))&&(($('ccemail_'+submitid).value.trim() == '')||(!(emailFilter.test($('ccemail_'+submitid).value.trim()))))){

replace by

		}else if(($chk($('ccemail_'+submitid)))&&(($('ccemail_'+submitid).value.trim() == '')||(!(emailFilter.test($('ccemail_'+submitid).value.trim()))))){

2. hideurl

	}else if((!hideurl)&&($chk($('ccurl_'+submitid)))&&(!$('ccurl_'+submitid).value.trim().test("http://"))){

replace by

		}else if(($chk($('ccurl_'+submitid)))&&(!$('ccurl_'+submitid).value.trim().test("http://"))){

I don't know all consequence of this solution. In my case I can now post Comment Response or Comment.
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