
There is no form with this name or may be the form is unpubl

carsten888 12 Jun, 2009
I made a form but all I am getting in the frontend is:

There is no form with this name or may be the form is unpublished, Please check the form and the url and the form management

The form is published. I checked the url. I get the same message when clicking the url in the form-manager.

I searched this forum only to find possible issues withthe form's name. I suspect 'test' as a form-name will not be a problem. What else? I made forms with the wizard and without and just get the above text.
carsten888 12 Jun, 2009
I found it.
I had 2 forms named 'test'.😶
That one was unpublished does not seem to make a difference. Bit weird to have 'name' as a unique key.
nice component.
GreyHead 12 Jun, 2009
Hi carsten888,

I agree that ChronoForms could test for a unique name (usually these days I remember until I use the Copy icon!).

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