
Validation - alert / message box?

revjb 11 Jun, 2009
Is there a way to have validation trigger a message box with all the fields that do not pass validation?

Thank you in advance.
GreyHead 12 Jun, 2009
Hi revjb,

Possibly - please see the docs for LiveValidation.

revjb 15 Jun, 2009

I have gone to the website and read through their documentation. Now where do I need to put in the javascript in Chronoforms to make it work together? I have tried putting the javascript in the Form Javascript area under the Form Code tab but is not working. I have activated validation without the fields entered for any as the custom javascript code will handle the notification and validation type.

This is what I am testing with:

var sname = new LiveValidation('sname');
sname.add( Validate.Presence );

Thanks again!
Max_admin 16 Jun, 2009
Hi revjb,

this code :
var sname = new LiveValidation('sname');
sname.add( Validate.Presence );

will make a field with the id sname required, do you need the error message in an alert box ? i think the live validation file should be hacked to do this!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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