
File size Warning Plug-In?

prdg1 11 Jun, 2009
Has there been a plug-in created or is that a way that when someone uploads a file, it will check the file size to make sure it doesn't exceed what is allowed? I'm running into an issue where people are submitting files that are too large and it would be nice if there was a check for that.
GreyHead 12 Jun, 2009
Hi prdg1,

There are limits set on the File Uploads tab and ChronoForm posts an error if the upload is too big.

Do you mean that you want a warning 'before' the upload? If so I don't think I've seen that.

prdg1 12 Jun, 2009
Hi Bob - After I posted this I realized and found another post, that maybe I needed to upgrade to the latest. I did upgrade and caused all kinds of issues with my form. Since the site was live already, I just reverted back and will have to test it out. The version I have 3.1 RC2 doesn't seem to function that way. I'll test it out on my test server with the latest version and see how it works. Thanks again for a great tool. I praise it all the time to people.
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