
Calendar plugin

ENG_SHIMO 11 Jun, 2009
Hello all

have many issues need ask about it

1- i need to creat a registration form for soccer web site

i'm facing some problems

a- when the user click registre here the default form of joomla appear not the one created although i followed all steps in the pdf

inspite of these when i try oprn to test the form i created if i dighned in the site i got a message tellin me i can't regitre coz i already signed

i need to know how i can fix this.

b- when i try to test the form i created i got this message

You have entered an incorrect verification code at the bottom of the form.

i don't know why

2- is thier any way to put the fileds i created in the form to be integrate Automaticaly in the calendar like plugin or some thing ?

Thanks in advance
LPent 11 Jun, 2009

read the last page of the tutorial, it starts with:

A finishing touch - Directing users away from the regular registration page
Once you have created the new registration page and have tested it to ensure it is working properly*, you need to ensure that users don't end up at
the old (regular) registration page. To do this, one file needs to be altered (ensure you've made a backup copy of this file first).

It will tell you how to make sure the user gets the new form instead of the regular one.


Are you using a captcha? if so, you either are entering the wrong letters/numbers or the captcha is not working properly (I don't use it myself as it doesn't for me)


I have no idea what you mean by this question, can you be a bit more specific?

ENG_SHIMO 11 Jun, 2009

To do this, one file needs to be altered (ensure you've made a backup copy of this file first).

can you tell me where i can find this file

GreyHead 11 Jun, 2009
Hi Eng_shimo,

Just to add to Lpent's post - I think there is a small bug in the the plugin (for which I am responsible) which causes problems with the Joomla & CB Registration plugins in the latest release.

To fix this, open the file administrator/components/com_chronocontact/helpers/plugin/php and look for a code segment like this around line 160
    function createInput($name, $value='', $attributes=array(), $id=false, $addTD=true, $attribTD=array() )
        // create an id from $name if not supplied
        $id = ChronoContactHelperPlugin::createId($name, $id);

        $return = "<input type='text' name='$name' id='$id' ".JArrayHelper::toString($attributes)."
        	value='".JText::_(htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES))."' />
        if ( $addTD ) {
            $return = ChronoContactHelperPlugin::wrapTD($return, $attribTD);
        return $return;

When you find it please replace the line starting value= with this
value='".htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES)."' />


PS The problem is that the faulty code looks up the value in the Joomla language file and can change it to something other than the correct field name.
ENG_SHIMO 12 Jun, 2009
Hello Gerry

i followed your instruction about fixing the code

but still can't get it as joomla registration page although i followed all the steps

also i get the tanks message after click register button but i didn't receive any thing on my email

ENG_SHIMO 12 Jun, 2009
Hello Gerry

can you plz answer my question coz i need this answers urgently

Thanks in advance
ENG_SHIMO 13 Jun, 2009

any help guyssssssssssssssss?
GreyHead 13 Jun, 2009
Hi eng_shimo,

Sorry to be a while replying - it's been a busy few days.

I'm testing an updated plugin file.

ENG_SHIMO 13 Jun, 2009
Hello Gery

Thanks for reply

but what about registration part

i'm having two problems now

1- it's not work as registration page although i followed all steps even changed the code like you told me

2- i don't recevie any email when i test the form although i got thanks messege and no new user appear in the user registration part

it's first time i face this difficulty with this componet i used it many times before and it was perfect

i hope you can help me to solve this

Thanks in advance
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