
Fatal Errors prevent pages from loading

travelinguy5 10 Jun, 2009
Hello -

When I have the chronoforms module enabled, it takes down my entire site (meaning no page is visible for any page on the domain). When I disable the module only, the website comes back up but the form doesnt work. This is the error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function getPageParameters() on a non-object in / on line 40

I read that this could be a result of having mismatched chronoforms versions. The current versions I have installed are:
ChronoContact Module: 3.1 RC5.1
mod_chronocontact: 1.3/3.1 RC5
chronocontact plugin: 3.1 RC5

Are these versions compatible? If not, where can I download compatible versions?

Secondly, the form doesnt work when I click on submit (I'm assuming thats a result of the above error though)

Please help!
Max_admin 15 Jun, 2009

I guess you didn't add the form name in the module configuration, the errors happen when no form name is specified, it should look nicer of course, its a small glitch in the current release!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
flykmco 20 Jun, 2009
I too am having the same problem. I tried putting the form name in the Module area as you suggested to the other user. However, it still isn't working. I disable the module and the site starts to work.

Any ideas?

I have the form working through the link in the control panel area and it works fine. Its just displaying it in a module form thats the problem.


flykmco 20 Jun, 2009
Ok, I got it to work...

I disabled the Chrono module... (causes the crash/website not to load at all depending on the user class; Public, Register, Special)

I went to MENUS>Main Menu

On the type of menu select Chrono Forms (third down for me)

create a new menu, name it, etc.
- In the parameters section type in the name of your form.

enable the menu item and it should be seen in the menu list..

This worked for me, hope it works for the rest of you!

Max_admin 22 Jun, 2009
Hi Bill,

I think that you was getting an error with the module because you didn't configure the module with the formname, this would break it, of course it should tell a no form name nice message but this is the bug! will be fixed in the new release!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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