
"Operation Aborted" with IE

ftpmonster 09 Jun, 2009
I've been fooling with ChronoForms for a week or so, love it to pieces.😀
Got a weird issue though with one of my forms. I want to create a "reservations" form for a restaurant, so I have a date validation field in there, along with a couple of dropdowns, a couple of text boxes, a textarea, and lastly a recaptcha.

In anything besides IE, this form works beautifully. In IE, it throws the "Operation Aborted" error. IE 5, 6, 7, and 8 all do this. Firefox, Opera, etc work just fine.

If I take out JUST the date validation field (by copying the form, editing it, removing that one field) it works just fine.

I'm sure I just overlooked something, but can someone tell me what to look for, or what file to edit?
GreyHead 10 Jun, 2009
Hi FTPMonster,

Which version of ChronoForms do you have installed?

The IE error is usually caused by JavaScript loading in the body and executing before the page load is complete. Most of the ChronoForms scripts have now been cleaned up so that they behave correctly.

Can you post a link to the page so I can take a look?

ftpmonster 19 Jun, 2009

Hi FTPMonster,

Which version of ChronoForms do you have installed?

The IE error is usually caused by JavaScript loading in the body and executing before the page load is complete. Most of the ChronoForms scripts have now been cleaned up so that they behave correctly.

Can you post a link to the page so I can take a look?


First off, the link is

and the version I have is 3.1 RC5.1.
GreyHead 19 Jun, 2009
Hi FTPMonster,

I think this is a problem with the ReCaptcha code - it loads erratically when I test the page in IE.

Please will you turn it off temporarily and see if the rest of the page loads OK (it looks as though it does).

I checked the ReCaptcha site last time this was reported and couldn't find any reports but I can't believe that we are the only people seeing it.

ftpmonster 20 Jun, 2009
It seems to be working now, without the ReCaptcha option. Until this gets sorted out, I'll just have to tell the restaurant owner to pay attention to bogus reservations. 😀
GreyHead 20 Jun, 2009
Hi FTPMonster,

Have you tried the 'built-in' Imageverification captcha?

That's usually pretty reliable (occasionally there are technical reasons why it doesn't work and ReCaptcha is better).

chriscaple 09 Jul, 2009
I'm having the same problem. I just upgraded to the most recent chronoforms build to try to fix it... didn't fix it. I tried taking the recaptcha out... didn't fix it, problem's still there.

This is the page:

It works fine in all browsers except IE (all versions).

Any idea what's going on?

Also - separate thing - I have a license - how do I remove the "powered by" link at the bottom of the form?
GreyHead 09 Jul, 2009
Hi ChrisCaple,

I took a look at the page without the template and I get about one failure in ten in IE7 sometimes with the unhelpful 'Operation Aborted' message sometimes with one or two other JS error messages.

I suspect an occasional timing failure in the ReCaptcha script - we've seen something like this before and I'm still not sure how to fix it without re-writing the ReCaptcha script itself. It an obscure script that uses JavaScript to write a loader to load a second script :-(

I can't be sure that this is the problem though - you have a lot of other scripts loading even without the template, and it's possible - though less likley - that something is going on with one of them. (Including, jom_comment, silverlight, a wmv player, . . . ).

If removing the ReCaptcha doesn't fix it them I'm pretty baffled, there isn't much else left that's being loaded by the ChronoForms.


PS Info on the Operation Aborted problem in a Knowledgebase article and a more informative though still pretty unhelpful IE8 blog post

PPS For the license please contact Max directly - I think that you can get a license number from the Licenses tab in the menu bar at the top.

PPPS Interesting conference, I used to know Gillan Stamp who worked with Elliott Jaques, she was very influential on my thinking on levels.
chriscaple 09 Jul, 2009
Hi Bob - thanks for the info. I'll keep screwing around with settings and see what I can do.

Heh - I went to the Microsoft knowledgebase site - it says this:

"The easiest way for you to fix the problem is to upgrade to Internet Explorer 8. This problem no longer occurs in Internet Explorer 8."

- and when I try the page in IE8... I get the same operation aborted error that they confidently assert no longer occurs in IE8. Good stuff.

Also - very cool that you used to know Gillian Stamp. Small world. She's a site member, actually - her profile's here:

(Pardon the createedit-profile in the URL - I'm working on fixing that.)
DuwayneWebPro 08 Sep, 2009
The funny thing is on some computers it does it. We have also noticed if it does load the first time if you refresh the error appears and only works the next time around if you clear the browser cache.
GreyHead 08 Sep, 2009
Hi David,

Just caught up with this post a few weeks late.

The Error is most often the result of JavaScript loaded in the page body (not the header) and trying to execute before the page laod is complete. The bug was fixed in IE8 or so MS tell me.

For your form I see the error in the page with the template but not if I add &tmpl=component (or /tmpl,component) and run teh form without the template.

MY guess is that the culprit is the suckerfish menu setup that is a script included in the page body. Move this into the header and - fingers crossed - it will be OK.

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