
[SOLVED]404 error after submitting form with CB plugin

LPent 09 Jun, 2009
I am currently designing a big form which needs to publish it's data into the CB table + create a user account.
I would like to know if multiple-checkboxes need to match up between the form and the CB-table?
For example, if I have a group of checkboxes called "I like:" with the options: "soup", "bread", "fish". Do I need to create a field in CB with the same options, or could I leave the options open (so just create a "multi-checkbox" and leave the options undefined?)

GreyHead 09 Jun, 2009
Hi Lpent,

Frankly I have no idea. I'd suggest you create a mini-form and run a test. It will also depend on what you want to do with thte info in CB - you could concatenate the check-box results into a string and save that in CB (you can do some intermediate processing).

LPent 09 Jun, 2009
Hi Bob,

I did do a test, but no matter how I set it, I get a "404 page not found error" after submitting the form.
Then when I open the plugin again, all the fields are empty again (except the top 5). I thought it was due to the checkboxes, but I tried it with a normal input-box and the same thing happens.

Is there a manual for the CB plugin anywhere?
GreyHead 09 Jun, 2009
Hi Lpent,

There's no manual for the CB Plugin (and neither Max nor I are CB Users) but it's very similar to the Joomla Registration Plugin and there is a tutorial for that.

LPent 09 Jun, 2009
Hi Bob,

First of all I apologise for my confusion and my lack of information on this topic. All I can say in my defence is that it has been one of those day's.
It is NOT a 404, but a 403.

I followed the tutorial you mentioned and checked all my settings (as far as I understand them) at least 10 times now.

I should mention that when I submit the form, it is send to my e-mail address correctly (only if I set the CB plugin to "after email" though).

After submitting the form I get redirected to: http://localhost/test/index.php?option=com_chronocontact&task=send&chronoformname=Inschrijving

Where I get the message "You are not allowed to access this URL".

Any help would be appreciated. If you need more info/screenshots please let me know.

LPent 09 Jun, 2009
More info, I just noticed that there is a table listed under "Tables connected" and that there is some autogenerated code in the form.
"Enable data storage" is set to "no", but I can't get rid of the connected table/autogenerated code?

LPent 09 Jun, 2009
I simply re-created the form and deleted the old one to get rid of the table connection... behold: It works!
Users are created, mails are sent.

I have another question, but will start a new topic for that.
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