
can't make old and new forms work

floorbamboo 09 Jun, 2009
Hi all.

I have upgraded to ChronoForms V3.1 RC 5.1.

I tried accessing my old forms, and creating new forms, but I get this error:

TableChronoContactEmails::store failed - Unknown column 'replytoname' in 'field list' SQL=INSERT INTO `jos_chrono_contact_emails` ( `formid`,`to`,`dto`,`subject`,`dsubject`,`cc`,`dcc`,`bcc`,`dbcc`,`fromname`,`dfromname`,`fromemail`,`dfromemail`,`replytoname`,`dreplytoname`,`replytoemail`,`dreplytoemail`,`enabled`,`params`,`template` )

I have used the "upgrade SQL" but this error still comes out. How can this be fixed?

Thank you.
GreyHead 09 Jun, 2009
Hi floorbamboo,

I guess you were upgrading from an older version than Max has planned for with the Upgrade SQL.

Please try this code in PHPMyAdmin
ALTER TABLE `jos_chrono_contact_emails` 
ADD COLUMN `replytoname` TEXT AFTER `dfromemail`,
ADD COLUMN `dreplytoname` TEXT AFTER `replytoname`,
ADD COLUMN `replytoemail` TEXT AFTER `dreplytoname`,
ADD COLUMN `dreplytoemail` TEXT AFTER `replytoemail`;


PS It should be safe - but take a backup first to be sure.

PPS change jos_ if you are using a different prefix
floorbamboo 10 Jun, 2009
That did it! Many thanks.

I'd just like to correct line 2 of your code, for the sake of others: the field "drfromemail" should be "dfromemail", no "r" after the first letter.
GreyHead 10 Jun, 2009
Hi floorbamboo,

Excellent, apologies for the typo - now corrected.

Max_admin 14 Jun, 2009
Thanks Bob, I just added this to the upgrade queries!🙂

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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