I updated to the new version and now all of the forms on my site aren't working! I cleared my browser cache, I made sure that all of the form names are one word or separated by an "_", and I made sure that my input ids also were all one word. I have searched the forums for all possible solutions, what can I do now?
I suppose I could just re-install V3 but I for some reason I wasn't able to save or apply any new forms.
I guess I just had to re-link my menu items... sorry for the freak out!
I am still having the same problem I had with the last version though. Every time I create a new form, I can create the form and save it but whenever I set up an Email I am unable to click the save or apply buttons. It just puts a # at the end of the url. I have checked for all of the common bugs; spaces in the names and ids etc. I have also tried it in Safari, Opera and Firefox and got the same result, plus I made sure permissions are set to 755.
Any ideas?
I'm experiencing the same problem. When i want to set the "Email the results ? " to YES and Save the form i get an error page indicating: "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage".
I just upgraded Joomla this weekend from 1.5.10 to 1.5.11 and the problem showed up.
This evening u upgraded from RC5 to RC5.1. and still i have the problem for savin the form.
I'm using IE7.
Anybody an idea how to solve the problem?
Hi bossiema,
Email setup is working OK here with RC5.1 and Jooma 1.5.11 in both FireFox and IE8 (not tested IE7).
do you have any javascript code in the form HTML code box ? somebody please create a simple test form and make sure that it has this problem then backup the form and attach it here for me to test!
please make sure your browser cache is clean before testing!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Hi arkmedia,
I can only think that your installtion is faulty. I have a new installation and a couple of upgrades that are working without any problem on my local test server and on my ISP.
I would assume that as well but I was having the exact same problem before I updated. This is the reason I chose to update. I have checked permissions, I have tried to uninstall and reinstall, with both versions. Everything else appears to be functioning correctly aside from this issue.
Hi arkmedia,
1) You have a problem with your ChronoForms installation on your server with most browsers.
2) We know that ChronoForms works for most people on most servers with most browsers.
Ergo, there's either a problem with the installation or the server. If you are sure that the installation is OK then there is some kind of problem with the server. [list]
It could be a JavaScript conflict but these rarely happen in the Joomla back-end.More likely is some kind of permissions problem? Is mod_security running?[/list]
I re-installed the component (while on a different computer) with IE6. Cleared the cache an tried it again on IE6 and FF and even on Google Chrome. Bus still the same problem occures when i want to save my form.
I'am able to use the wizard and save the form a firts time. But the second time it won't work :-(
Any idea what i can check on my 1.5.11 installtion?
Please send me temporarily admin login to your website with the form through the contact us page and mention the forum post link!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?