
Layout not same as preview (table style)

starfly 08 Jun, 2009
I am trying to work out how to get a form to display in my browser the same as it displays in the preview. In the preview, the form layout is nice and neat, almost like it is in a table, but when I view the form in the actual web page the fields follow the text that displays to the left of the fields - making it look very untidy.

I could edit the HTML to add table cells around each field but I'd rather ChronoForms did this for me so I keep all editing to a minimum.

I even tried the 'Transform Form' chose default, 'Transform and Save' but that doesn't make any difference. Looks great in Preview but untidy when viewed as part of the web page.

Any thoughts?

Cheers. Martin.

PS: Love all the improvements. Will certainly be buying a licence.
GreyHead 08 Jun, 2009
Hi Martin,

Please set "Load Chronoforms CSS/JS Files?" to Yes in the form General Tab.

starfly 08 Jun, 2009
Thanks. Got it. Thats better.
starfly 08 Jun, 2009
Sorry of this is covered in any tutorials but, where could I edit the CSS files?
I'm not a fan of loads of space around the fields and would like to edit the CSS so that all forms on the site follow the same style.

starfly 08 Jun, 2009
I figured it out. Searched the forum...

Slap me round the back of the head for asking before searching.
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