
Validation not working .. Help :-(

danaru 08 Jun, 2009

I installed Chronoforms and have a weird problem: Although validation is activated in for the form I created, it just won't validate.

I press the "send" button and it just continues, without checking if I even filled out a field.

Well, I was inluding jquery into my index.php template file, because I thought it was an incompatibilty. But I removed all included javascripts, jquery and others, and it's still not working...

Please advise..
GreyHead 08 Jun, 2009
Hi Danaru,

Please post a link to the form.

danaru 08 Jun, 2009
Can't, it's local only atm
GreyHead 08 Jun, 2009
Hi danaru,

Sorry, in that case, I can't suggest anything very useful. It's probably still a JavaScript conflict.

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