
recaptcha not loading on internet explorer

blakex 06 Jun, 2009
hi, I have recaptcha loading fine in firefox,
but not loading in internet explorer.
how's the solution?
GreyHead 06 Jun, 2009
Hi blakex,

I've no idea - please post a link to the page.

blakex 06 Jun, 2009
the site still in localhost,

The error message is :
"Internet explorer cannot open the internet site http://...... Operation Aborted

but after googling, I've found very similar case
please take a look:
GreyHead 06 Jun, 2009
Hi blakex,

It's possible that it the 'JavaScript in the body' problem. Which version of ChronoForms do you have - most of the JavaScript from CF now loads in the page header or after the page load completes?

blakex 07 Jun, 2009
my chronoform version is 3.1 RC 5.0
should I upgrade to solve this?
GreyHead 07 Jun, 2009
Hi blakex,

If you have 5.0 then I don't think that upgrading will amke a ny difference, I haven't seen this problem reported with the last couple of releases.

Is the form on-line so I cna take a look?


PS You should upgrade to RC 5.1 anyhow, there are other improvements there.
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