
Error when creating connection.

GreyHead 06 Jun, 2009
Hi acidangel,

Someone else posted that there is a mistake in the installation file and this field is not created in the database. ou can add it using PHPMyAdmin with this command . . . If you prefer there's a fixed xml file attached. You can replace the current version in the installation package then uninstall and re-install using the fixed package.

Oops I got this wrong - Max has posted elsewhere that the field is no longer needed - so I'm not sure what is happening here.

theacidangel 06 Jun, 2009
No, you got it right. Cause I added that line into phpmyadmin and now it works. Thank you very much for your support.
GreyHead 06 Jun, 2009
Hi acidangel,

Just to try to work out what's happening here. Was this an old ChronoConnectivity installation that you upgraded with exisiting connections or was it a fresh install?

theacidangel 07 Jun, 2009
It was a fresh install. The only install I had tried.
DawnintoDusk 11 Jun, 2009
Hi there,

While following the tutorial "Forms and Connectivity Example start to finish!" I discovered I have the exact same problem as the person above. I too have just completed a fresh install of Chronoconnectivity. However, as I was faithfully following the tutorial, I made the 2 changes they recommended by uploading the two "patches" included at the end. Also, In the course of trying to fix this problem, I uploaded another php file "fix," which did not work, but was described here:

Is it possible to get that PHPMYAdmin code you referenced and then deleted? It seemed to work for TheAcidAngel, and I don't see any other solutions that discuss my problem re: "TableChronoConnectivity::store failed - Unknown column 'OnSaveJSCode' in 'field list' SQL=INSERT INTO `jos_chronoconnectivity`".

(Although I have looked at the topic link TheAcidAngel posted in the first entry: I am too much of a newbie to make much of it.)

Thanks in advance.
GreyHead 11 Jun, 2009
Hi DawnintoDusk,

Commenting out the lines in admin.chronconnectivity.php is the 'correct' fix for this as it removes the need for the column in the table (it's now just some uneccessary code being saved there).

Have you made these changes in the file?

DawnintoDusk 11 Jun, 2009
Thanks Bob for clarifying.

Yes, I did upload that fix you recommended on the "admin.chronoconnectivity.php" file. I also started everything fresh today, just to make sure I didn't make any other mistakes. In the course of these new adventures, the old problem was solved, (thanks again) but I still did not successfully make a connection.

The new problem response I get is this: tablechronoconnectivity::store failed - Unknown column 'edit_template' in 'field list' SQL=INSERT INTO `jos_chronoconnectivity` ( `id`,`name`,`tablenames`,`SQL`,`head`,`body`,`footer`,`edit_template`,`front_edit_template`,`OnSaveCode`,`OnSaveJSCode`,`OnSaveCodefront`,`OnSaveJSCodefront`,`paramsall`,`Config`,`ccCache1`,`ccCache2` ) VALUES ---and from there it just lists out the entire code.

I searched the forums in case there was a similar problem already solved, and found:
But, of course the solution provided in the example doesn't work in my case.

In addition to the fix you recommended, I am using the patched versions of php provided at the end of the "Forms and Connectivity Example start to finish!" post found here:

Thank you again for your insight.
GreyHead 12 Jun, 2009
Hi DawnintoDusk,

The patch files are old and will not work with the latest release. I'd suggest that you re-install the latest version and re-do the single patch from my post.

lchessar 30 Jun, 2009
Hi Greyhead - I've just installed ChronoConnectivity for the first time and I need to use the single patch as i get the 'TableChronoConnectivity::store failed - Unknown column 'OnSaveJSCode' error. Can you send it to me please?

Thanks - Laura.
NiceIce 14 Jul, 2009

Hi DawnintoDusk,

Commenting out the lines in admin.chronconnectivity.php is the 'correct' fix for this as it removes the need for the column in the table (it's now just some uneccessary code being saved there).


I was experiencing the same problem and per Bob's advice located the admin.chronoconnectivity.php file in Admin / Components / Chronoconnectivity and then ran a search for "OnSaveJSCode" and then commented out the lines of code referenced there and it works fine now... No need to add a field to the table in phpMyAdmin.
pam009 04 Aug, 2011
But I can not fix it up
Thank you for levitra your tips of advice anyway
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