
Text box height

stmoist 05 Jun, 2009
I don't know much, but I'll try to help. Did you want to make it taller so there was room for multiple lines? If so, I've always used the textarea feature instead of the textbox, as it has more options. Hope that helps!
TODDMAN 05 Jun, 2009

I don't know much, but I'll try to help. Did you want to make it taller so there was room for multiple lines? If so, I've always used the textarea feature instead of the textbox, as it has more options. Hope that helps!

Duh, I need to pay more attention to details.
Thanks stmoist!!!
autorolling 08 Sep, 2010

I don't know much, but I'll try to help. Did you want to make it taller so there was room for multiple lines? If so, I've always used the textarea feature instead of the textbox, as it has more options. Hope that helps!

Duh, I need to pay more attention to details.
Thanks stmoist!!!

textbox height?
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