
ChronoConnectivity Tutorial

GreyHead 05 Jun, 2009
Hi omissirev,

Please check that you have these lines correctly in your code:
$editor =& JFactory::getEditor();
If they are correct please post the whole of the Record Edit Template code block so we can take a look.

omissirev 05 Jun, 2009

$editor    =& JFactory::getEditor();




        <td>IntroText:</td><td><?php echo $editor->display( 'title',  $row->title , '100%', '350', '75', '20', false ) ; ?></td>



        <td>MainText:</td><td><?php echo $editor->display( 'alias',  $row->alias , '100%', '350', '75', '20', false ) ; ?></td>



This is the code I have just for testing purposes...
Max_admin 06 Jun, 2009
I will post a new tutorial for the new version later this week!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
joebob60 09 Jun, 2009
Have you gotten a chance to create and new tutorial for the new version yet? I've been looking around the forum for it but can't find it.
Thank you,
GreyHead 10 Jun, 2009
Hi Joebob,

Max is out of town most of this week, I expect that he is working on the tutorial but I haven't seen anything yet.

joebob60 10 Jun, 2009
thanks Grey for the heads up. Yeah I ended up having to go back to v1.2 because I was having issue with version 2RC1 but I would like to use the new one whenever we're able to get a tutorial for V2RC1.
NewarkWeb 30 Jun, 2009
Hi Guys,

Have you got any further with a guide?. I have no idea how to create a SQL query. I have created a query in CC and added it to a menu item, when I go to it all it has is the link to your website.. I need to get this working so that I am able to generate some reports. Just to confrim that I do not need to have CF running as I have creted my own form.

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