
Modules in template dissapear on form page

Shriek 05 Jun, 2009
Hi there
I am using Chronoforms 3.1 RC5 and got it all working fine except that the modules in my template dissapear ie top menu, some things in right position.
I have two templates and the one that uses the form isn't the default. It selects the correct template though, just misses out the modules. I have set up a menu item using the chronocontact option in the main Joomla menu setup. It is set to registered at the mo till approved, but public makes no difference.
Thanks for any help.
GreyHead 05 Jun, 2009
Hi Andrew,

From your description I can't tell if this is a problem with Module configuration - or a css/styling problem with the form templates. Can you post a link to some pages with and without the problem?

Shriek 09 Jun, 2009
Hi Bob
Thanks for your help.
You need to log in to see the form as it isn't live yet.
Login at
username temp, password temp
Then go here for the home page of the sub site (there is another domain name <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> pointing to this spot as well) That's how the site should look and all the other modules are showing up on the other pages there. You will see 'Focus Group Survey' which is the form that shows no modules. (The Focus Group Survey menu link is a bit obscured but when I go live I'll stick another survey menu on the right and drop down to a couple of forms)
Thanks for any help you can offer.
GreyHead 09 Jun, 2009
Hi Andrew,

Hard to tell with all the SEF and subdomain URLs but my guess is that the modules just aren't enabled for that url.

Shriek 10 Jun, 2009
This proves that i am a complete dufus. You are right Bob. I hadn't assigned the modules to that menu item. Usually I just create specific module positions to each template and they go off or on depending on if the position is there. Thanks for your help. Needed that second eye. Have a good day.
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