Hi - I'm using Joomla 1.5.10, ChronoForms V3.1_RC5.1, Community Builder 1.2. I'm trying to create a custom registration form. I set up the form using the form wizard. I selected it and clicked on the "CB Registration" link on the plugins menu on the left of the screen. I filled in the matching values in the "General" tab. Saved it. If I then go back into the plugin, only the first seven values are there - name, username, email, password, verify password, and email user/admins. All the rest are now blank. If I retype the correct info in the blank fields, save again, then come back into it again, same thing. Everything after the first seven is blank.
Any idea why?
PHP 5.2, MySQL 5.2.
It cuts out at the "middle name" field, which I left blank because I don't have that in my custom form.
I should probably have posted this in the "bugs" forum - sorry.
Hi chriscaple,
If the field is called 'middle name' then that is the problem - spaces are not allowed in field names, change it to middle_name and see if that fixes your problem.
Hi chriscaple,
Please will you psot a copy of the Form HTML - or a backup copy of the whole form - which ever is simpler.
I also seem to have this problem when trying to get the Community Builder plugin to work. My inputs (without spaces) in the CB Registration plugin fields seem to disappear after I've hit save and re-opened it, and they don't appear to be replacing the fields in the cb registration. I haven't created any fields to replace the basic Community Builder ones such as name, username, passwords etc. as I'm just looking to have some custom scripted fields added on to the current registration form. Is this possible or do all CB fields need to be replaced with Chronoforms ones in order to work?
A couple of other questions:
1. is it possible to have chronoforms fields/entries appear only in the CB profile tabs instead of displaying at registration? I noticed that only the cb fields that are enabled for registration appear in the CB Registration plugin list.
2. will Chronoforms fields still be available in CB's custom/criteria search?
I am using CB 1.2.1 with Joomla 1.5.10 and currently using the free version of the chronoforms, however i would be happy to purchase and make contribution if i can get it to do what I need.
Hi bek,
I've no idea why the fields disappear :-(
For the rest - ChronoForms knows nothing about CB - if you want extra CB fields then they have to be created in CB and ChronoForms will then save data to them. Where and how they are displayed is entirely in CB's hands.
I am facing the exact same problem. Looks like its not middle name cos i dont have a middlename filed itself. It seems like anything which is CB related fields are not saving at all. Username , passwords and confirm passwords are Fine. The remaining has just disappeared and will never stay no matter how you save it.
Thanks so much! That totally fixed it. You guys rock.
Except - okay, that fixed the form part, but... when I fill in the form on the front end and hit submit to register a new test user account... I get a 403 access forbidden message.
Any idea what's up with that?
Hmm... Joomla's enable registration was off - although CB's was on. I switched Joomla to enable registration and the 403 went away... I got taken to a blank page on the site instead. New user wasn't created. Hm...
Okay, the problem was the "name" field in the CB plugin. I was trying to do that thing where you join firstname and lastname to create the name, but... that didn't work. I took out that code and just put "lastname" into the "name" spot and now it works - registrations are getting processed. So that's cool.
New issue though - email verification. Can't seem to get it to work. Will see if there's any info on it on the forums here...
The name join thing doesn't work. I tried it with and without the password lines.
I put the code in the CB Registration plugin in the OnSubmit tab in the "Extra before onsubmit code" box.
I put this line at the top of the form code itself:
<input type="hidden" name="name" />
No dice...