
Email Validation inserting "!" in email, breaking img tag.

hostricity 04 Jun, 2009
Here's the source of the validation email sent out by the Email Validation plug-in:

(I've bolded the problem)

The exclamation point is not in the source as defined in the Email Validation plug-in. The exclamation point seems to move around depending on the length of the email text.

As you can see, the img link is trashed, so the footer image doesn't display.

<html><body><p><img src="" border="0" alt="Charles 4 Constable Newsletter Logo" title="Charles 4 Constable Newsletter Logo" /></p><p>Geoff,</p><p>To confirm your endorsement of Charles Woertendyke for Constable, please click this link:</p><p><a target="_blank" href=""></a></p><p>Your endorsement will not be published until you have clicked the link. We require this to prevent spammer abuse. </p><p>Thank you for endorsing me to be elected Dallas County Constable in Precinct 4, and for your support.</p><p>Charles W.</p><p>Candidate for Dallas County Constable, Pct. 4</p><p><img src="!
" border="0" alt="Charles 4 Constable Newsletter Footer" title="Charles 4 Constable Newsletter Footer" /></p>

Here's the actual html in the Email Message area of Email Settings tab in the Email Validation plug-in:

<p><img src="" border="0" alt="Charles 4 Constable Newsletter Logo" title="Charles 4 Constable Newsletter Logo" /></p><p>{first_name},</p><p>To confirm your endorsement of Charles Woertendyke for Constable, please click this link:</p><p>{vlink}</p><p>Your endorsement will not be published until you have clicked the link. We require this to prevent spammer abuse. </p><p>Thank you for endorsing me to be elected Dallas County Constable in Precinct 4, and for your support.</p><p>Charles W.</p><p>Candidate for Dallas County Constable, Pct. 4</p><p><img src="" border="0" alt="Charles 4 Constable Newsletter Footer" title="Charles 4 Constable Newsletter Footer" /></p>

Further Information:

I shortened the HTML and now the footer image works because the magically appearing exclamation point is in an "alt" field where it doesn't break the link. THE ONLY THING I CHANGED was to reduce the amount of text in the body of the email!

<html><body><p><img src="" border="0" alt="Charles 4 Constable Newsletter Logo" title="Charles 4 Constable Newsletter Logo" /></p><p>Geoff,</p><p>To confirm your endorsement, please click this link:</p><p><a target="_blank" href=""></a></p><p>Your endorsement will not be published until you have clicked the link. We require this to prevent spammer abuse. </p><p>Thank you for endorsing me to be elected Dallas County Constable in Precinct 4.</p><p>Charles W.</p><p>Candidate for Dallas County Constable, Pct. 4</p><p><img src="" border="0" alt="Charles 4 Constable Newsle!
tter Footer
" title="Charles 4 Constable Newsletter Footer" /></p>

GreyHead 05 Jun, 2009
Hi hostricity,

I've no idea why this happens but the ! is at the same place in both strings - after 1002 characters. And the character appears to be some kind of a line break.

The only instruction after the link is inserted is JUtility::sendMail and that seems capable of handling longer emails without any problem.

Is it possible something is happening on your mail server?

hostricity 05 Jun, 2009
It seemed to me that it was a fixed number of characters (or bytes) into the message, but I was too lazy to count the number!

I tried registering from various email clients and didn't get the error.

When I use the contact form - which is also ChronoEngine, but without the Email Validation plug-in, I don't have this problem.

But, both of the forms using the Email Validation plug-in have this problem.

I tried a much longer email body and the exclamation point now appears in the middle of the email body.

I'd be curious to know if others using the plug-in are having this problem. Please note that I would not have noticed this if it weren't for the fact that it broke the img tag.

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