(I've bolded the problem)
The exclamation point is not in the source as defined in the Email Validation plug-in. The exclamation point seems to move around depending on the length of the email text.
As you can see, the img link is trashed, so the footer image doesn't display.
<html><body><p><img src="http://www.charles4constable.com/ESW/Images/updatenewsletterheader.gif" border="0" alt="Charles 4 Constable Newsletter Logo" title="Charles 4 Constable Newsletter Logo" /></p><p>Geoff,</p><p>To confirm your endorsement of Charles Woertendyke for Constable, please click this link:</p><p><a target="_blank" href="http://charles4constable.com/index.php?option=com_chronocontact&chronoformname=endorsements&task=beforeshow&uid=INGJiZjBhMzBlZWY5">http://charles4constable.com/index.php?option=com_chronocontact&chronoformname=endorsements&task=beforeshow&uid=INGJiZjBhMzBlZWY5</a></p><p>Your endorsement will not be published until you have clicked the link. We require this to prevent spammer abuse. </p><p>Thank you for endorsing me to be elected Dallas County Constable in Precinct 4, and for your support.</p><p>Charles W.</p><p>Candidate for Dallas County Constable, Pct. 4</p><p><img src="http://www.charles4constable.com/ESW/Images/updatenewsletterp!
aidbyfooter.gif" border="0" alt="Charles 4 Constable Newsletter Footer" title="Charles 4 Constable Newsletter Footer" /></p>
Here's the actual html in the Email Message area of Email Settings tab in the Email Validation plug-in:
<p><img src="http://www.charles4constable.com/ESW/Images/updatenewsletterheader.gif" border="0" alt="Charles 4 Constable Newsletter Logo" title="Charles 4 Constable Newsletter Logo" /></p><p>{first_name},</p><p>To confirm your endorsement of Charles Woertendyke for Constable, please click this link:</p><p>{vlink}</p><p>Your endorsement will not be published until you have clicked the link. We require this to prevent spammer abuse. </p><p>Thank you for endorsing me to be elected Dallas County Constable in Precinct 4, and for your support.</p><p>Charles W.</p><p>Candidate for Dallas County Constable, Pct. 4</p><p><img src="http://www.charles4constable.com/ESW/Images/updatenewsletterpaidbyfooter.gif" border="0" alt="Charles 4 Constable Newsletter Footer" title="Charles 4 Constable Newsletter Footer" /></p>
Further Information:
I shortened the HTML and now the footer image works because the magically appearing exclamation point is in an "alt" field where it doesn't break the link. THE ONLY THING I CHANGED was to reduce the amount of text in the body of the email!
<html><body><p><img src="http://www.charles4constable.com/ESW/Images/updatenewsletterheader.gif" border="0" alt="Charles 4 Constable Newsletter Logo" title="Charles 4 Constable Newsletter Logo" /></p><p>Geoff,</p><p>To confirm your endorsement, please click this link:</p><p><a target="_blank" href="http://charles4constable.com/index.php?option=com_chronocontact&chronoformname=endorsements&task=beforeshow&uid=IZGEyMzU5N2JlZWU1">http://charles4constable.com/index.php?option=com_chronocontact&chronoformname=endorsements&task=beforeshow&uid=IZGEyMzU5N2JlZWU1</a></p><p>Your endorsement will not be published until you have clicked the link. We require this to prevent spammer abuse. </p><p>Thank you for endorsing me to be elected Dallas County Constable in Precinct 4.</p><p>Charles W.</p><p>Candidate for Dallas County Constable, Pct. 4</p><p><img src="http://www.charles4constable.com/ESW/Images/updatenewsletterpaidbyfooter.gif" border="0" alt="Charles 4 Constable Newsle!
tter Footer" title="Charles 4 Constable Newsletter Footer" /></p>