
Error: Your Session has Expired. Please Log in again.

pxforti 03 Jun, 2009

I've read several posts on this error, but I don't think they are quite the same problem.

First question: Can I link directly to a form if it's not linked to a menu? eg,

Or does it need to be linked to menu with a url like this:

The url above is how I linked to the form and the form has a redirect on success to another Joomla page.

The funny thing is that I can successfully complete the form on four different computers (one mac safari and firefox and 3 windows with ie6 and 7), but my client cannot complete it without getting the error. So the error is not consistant. I also had a friend test it and he got error sometimes and sometime he could successfully submit the form.

Any ideas? I read the other posts and have not modified the php.ini and do not have any code on submission. Only a redirect to a thankyou page.


Feel free to test the form at the url above.
GreyHead 03 Jun, 2009
Hi pxforti,

Yes you can link directly, it doesn't have to be through a menu.

Try setting sessions to database if they aren't already - it could be a cookie problem on the client's computer that isn't saving the session data.

pxforti 03 Jun, 2009
Hi, the session was already set for database. Also, I changed the link so it links from menu, but client says it still doesn't work.

Any other ideas what could be wrong?
pxforti 05 Jun, 2009

Any chance I can get you to look at this? I am stil having problems with the form and have no idea how to fix them.

GreyHead 06 Jun, 2009
Hi pxforti,

By all means post a link to the form if it's on-line and email or PM me a SuperAdmin logon. I'm not an expert in sessions and their management but I'm happy to take a quick look.

pxforti 06 Jun, 2009
Hi Bob,

See my first post in this thread. Form links are in there. FYI: The form works fine for me in Firefox Mac, IE66 and 7 windows. But my client gets the error message and I had a friend test it and he gets the error message randomly; eg, sometimes he can complete the form with no errors and sometimes not.

Also, the only field required is the first one.

GreyHead 08 Jun, 2009
Hi pxforti,

Still no idea - I just ran a bunch of tests in IE6 with no problems.

pxforti 13 Jun, 2009
OK. Thanks for looking into this. I had the same results you did, but my client can't get it to work.
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