...but above code not working, i have also replaced if statement with JRequest::getVar('file_0')==NOFILE but it's not working also.How can i do this?"> validate empty file upload - Forums


validate empty file upload

ahmedsheeraz 02 Jun, 2009
Hi all, i have written the following code to check empty file upload in server-side validation for form field "file_0" which is an "Upload file" field:

global $mainframe;
return "File upload field is required.";

...but above code not working, i have also replaced if statement with JRequest::getVar('file_0')==NOFILE but it's not working also.

How can i do this?
ahmedsheeraz 02 Jun, 2009
at last, i nailed it down myself....the php $_Files variable will do the trick...thanx anywayz..z
ekull25 24 Jul, 2009

Please explain what your solution was for the "upload required" validation.

Thanks in advance!
Max_admin 27 Jul, 2009
this should do it:

$myfile = JRequest::getVar( 'file_field_name', array(), 'files', 'array' );//add field name here
return 'you must upload some file!';

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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