login as admin -> on Components menu, click "Chrono Forms" -> put a check near my form -> click "Multi Language" on left menu -> enter "en-GB, tr-TR" into "Languages Supported" and enter "tr-TR" into "Default Language" -> click Languages tab then what???Please write some examples, I tried some translations but they did not work."> How to translate chronoforms and also error messages - Forums


How to translate chronoforms and also error messages

x3po 01 Jun, 2009
Hello folks,
Can somebody please tell me how to translate chronoforms into another language STEP by STEP ??
and also I want to translate error messages like:
"This field is required.
Please enter a valid email address. For example [email]fred@domain.com[/email] .
Please enter a valid number in this field.
Please use letters only (a-z) in this field."

into my language (Turkish) !

back-end -> login as admin -> on Components menu, click "Chrono Forms" -> put a check near my form -> click "Multi Language" on left menu -> enter "en-GB, tr-TR" into "Languages Supported" and enter "tr-TR" into "Default Language" -> click Languages tab then what???

Please write some examples, I tried some translations but they did not work.
Max_admin 04 Jun, 2009
Hi x3po,

From the top menu here > Tutorials > Chronoforms Plugins tutorials > Multi language plugin tutorial

this page will have all what you need!🙂

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
mayco 17 Jun, 2009
That tutorial doesn't address how to translate the error messages like "This field is required" and "Can't be empty!". How to translate those?
GreyHead 17 Jun, 2009
Hi mayco,

If you add a title attribute to the input this will be used in place of the standard message
<input type='text' title='Put something in here please' . . .

webrp 19 Jun, 2009
Greyhead, thats it!😉
cjouha 23 Oct, 2009
Works fine for error messages.
But how translate "After Form Submission" message ?
en-GB: Thank you for filling in this form.
fr-FR: Merci d'avoir rempli ce formulaire.
GreyHead 23 Oct, 2009
Hi cjouha,

The easy way is to check the language in the OnSubmit after box and show the corresponding message:
$lang =& JFactory::getLanguage();
switch ( $lang->getTag() ) {
  case 'en-GB':
    echo "Ta muchly";
  case 'fr-FR':
    echo 'Merci bien';

cjouha 23 Oct, 2009
Thanks for the fast & working answer.
Beata 04 Nov, 2009
I am confused about translation

I have read you multilanguage tutorial again...
My default language is Lithuanian and my form is done in Lithuanian

Configure plugin:
Languages supported: lt-LT,en-GB,de-DE,ru-RU
Default language: lt-LT

I am not sure if I wrote strings correctly, I took words between labels (strings buttons are not written ???):

1.Language Strings: lt-LT
Mb. tel.=Mb. tel.
ARRIVAL=Atvykimo data
DEPARTURE=Išvykimo data
PERSONS(ADULT)=Asmenų (suaugusių)
WRITE=Parašyti daugiau

2.Language Strings: en-GB
Mb. tel.=Mb. tel.

3,4 - Other languages didn't done yet...

My form isn't translated into english...


What is wrong?
GreyHead 04 Nov, 2009
Hi Beata,

Probably you haven't enabled the Plugin on the form plugins tab??

Beata 04 Nov, 2009
Are the strings correct?

here is my plugin image
GreyHead 04 Nov, 2009
Hi Beata,

The strings look OK from a quick look.

The plugin isn't enabled though, the bar goes green when it is.

Beata 04 Nov, 2009
HM ??
How to enable, it is thicked everything in green

P.S. I clicked multilanguage it became green but with red cross. Is it OK?
But the form isn't translated

Should I make everything in green? _ I did.
GreyHead 04 Nov, 2009
Hi beata,

Ignore the tick and crosses - look at the color of the bar: green is enabled; red is disabled.

Don't enable them all - just the ones that you want.

Beata 04 Nov, 2009
I don't what I need, firstly I need to be translated

But how to get translated form ????????? I wonder how this happens? I am really upset 😟 😟 😟
I am attaching image again
GreyHead 04 Nov, 2009
Hi Beata,

For the translation you only need the Multi_language plugin.

GreyHead 04 Nov, 2009
Hi Beata,

Yes I know you have it. You probably don't need all the other plugins enabled.

Now I've lost track of what, if anything, you actually have working.

Beata 04 Nov, 2009
I have created form in Lithuanian and want to translate it in English, German and Russian

Your chronoforms are very complicated. A couple years ago I have installed your form and I pasted only my form codes, prepared by myself. It was easy.

My form is
GreyHead 04 Nov, 2009
Hi beata,

You can still do that.

Some of thes plugins make common tasks easier, if they don't work for you then don't use them.

Beata 05 Nov, 2009
I am very Sorry, Bob,

If you can not explain how my form can be translating with plugin, I will do it in my own way -
copy forms to other languages and do it with Joomfish.

Sorry, but I really lost patience - you pull me about nothing

Everything is done, why they are not translating?

Thousands messages, when it is possible to do (explain) it in one message !
GreyHead 05 Nov, 2009
Hi Beata,

The Multi-language plugin is very simple.

Read the help - make the entries - enable it.

That works very well for simple forms.

I have no idea what your form is like; I have no idea what you've actually done with it, I have no idea if you've got the plugin enabled or not.

Unfortunately I don't do mind-reading. Unless you tell me or show me exactly what is happening then it's really difficult to help you.

There is absolutely nothing to stop you doing this in Joomfish, please go ahead. I can't help with JoomFish though.

Beata 05 Nov, 2009
No, plugin don't work !
"For simple form", - my form is simple (but not from 3 rows like yours) and you got link to my form many times, but you don't want to look at it!

If to use such form in Joomla like your example, it is unuseful, because joomla itself give such form.
Why than people install chronoforms ? Because they need some form for booking in hotel (like mine) or some other

I wrote strings (you didn't look), maybe strings are not good, I don't know php; thefore I work with Joomla.

I wrote many times you about it. If you would like really to help, you could read all my messages.
I wrote about everything from the first message but you never read. I read all your tutorials and multilanguage tutorial - three times and I everything did correctly, I think, or maybe is something omitted in tutorial.

When I will cope with my translation I will write in the forum to help other

You create extensions for Joomla and you don't know Joomla, - that is interesting!

Sorry for my message but I am very dissapointed, because I communicate with you the whole week but can not cope with form to the end
GreyHead 05 Nov, 2009
Hi Beata,

Sorry you are upset; feel free to complain but don't expect that to help much.

Yes, I have looked at your form, yes I have looked at your strings, but not for a day or so. I've just looked again but the form isn't on-line. Yes, I have read all your message - and the thirty or forty that other people have posted today. And yes, sometimes I miss some messages or lose track of the threads.

The strings look OK to me; assuming that the bits before the = signs are in the Form HTML and the plugin is enabled then it should work. Right now I have no idea if the plugin is enabled or not.

ChronoForms isn't my product it's Max's - I try to help out here with some support. I know quite a bit about Joomla and a lot about ChronoForms - but I don't know every Joomla extension inside out and Joomfish is one that I haven't worked with a lot. BTW JoomFish isn't a part of Joomla any more than ChronoForms is - both are add-ons.

Good luck with your form, let us know when you get it working.

Beata 05 Nov, 2009
Hello Bob,

I thought you will get into a huff after my last message. Yes, I closed joomla this morning because my client didn't gave a pictures of rooms yet... This is Guest house and I need booking form.

My form is translated manually im chronoform manager, but I can't get english form in english menu
Lithuanian form is here: http://www.anre.lt/index.php?option=com_chronocontact&chronoformname=uzsakymas

and english form is here: http://www.anre.lt/index.php?option=com_chronocontact&chronoformname=uzsakymas_en2

Translated menu in english give the same URL like lithuanian and I can't change URL in translation

I came to mind: to insert form in simple joomla page, than I could easy translate it.
How it is possible?

How to include chronoform in joomla page (article) ?
Ruben 07 Nov, 2009
I'm using this code

$lang =& JFactory::getLanguage();
switch ( $lang->getTag() ) {
case 'en-GB':
echo "Thanks!";
case 'ru-RU':
echo 'Spasibo.';

But whatever language it is it shows only Russian version. Maybe some issue? Can't wait to solve it.

Thank in advance.
GreyHead 07 Nov, 2009
Hi Ruben,

The code looks OK. How are you changing the language?

Try adding echo $lang->getTag(); to see what the current language tag is.

Beata 07 Nov, 2009

Where you put these codes?
Ruben 07 Nov, 2009

Hi Ruben,

The code looks OK. How are you changing the language?

Try adding echo $lang->getTag(); to see what the current language tag is.


Hi Bob,

Generally I'm using JoomFish but for forms translation I use internal plugin.

When I add the code you gave I get ru-RU in the end. But the point is after form submitted I'm always redirected to russian page (with russian menu and other website content) so it shows ru-RU.

My main task is to make language dependent redirection. So I used this code:
$lg =& JFactory::getLanguage();
$lang = $lg->getName();
$MyForm->formrow->redirecturl = JURI::base().'en/contacts';
$MyForm->formrow->redirecturl = JURI::base().'contacts';

But again in this case I'm always redirected to "contacts" with no "en" even if I'm submitting form from en/contacts.


Where you put these codes?

To "On Submit code - after sending email:" section.
Ruben 08 Nov, 2009
Any ideas?
Ruben 08 Nov, 2009
I that case I will have problems with JoomFish. When you open your form page and press for example other language flag, it will not go to according lang's form.
Beata 08 Nov, 2009
thefore I did menu for each language form
Ruben 08 Nov, 2009
That may be a solution. Thanks!
GreyHead 09 Nov, 2009
Hi Ruben,

I'm not quite sure why you need language dependent redirection. If you have Joomfish set up then won't the Contacts page be automatically redirected without you doing anything??

In the code snippet you use $this->language but I'm not sure where this is defined.

If you do need to do redirection then I suggest that you don't use SEF URLs but spell out the whole URL
$lang =& JFactory::getLanguage();
$MyForm->formrow->redirecturl = JURI::base().'index.php?option=com_contact&lang='.$lang->getTag();

Ruben 09 Nov, 2009
Sorry, I didn't get what you said. I do not need redirection, but the problem is that when I submit the English form I see thank you message and all the menu and other content in Russian and I want to have English menu and content when I submit form in English.

Is there an option to use AJAX or something like that with no redirection at all?

When I use the code you gave I'm again always redirected to "index.php?option=com_contact$lang=ru-RU" even when I submitted the form from en/contacts.
GreyHead 09 Nov, 2009
Hi Ruben,

Sorry, a typo crept in - should be &lang= in the url, not $lang= (I'll change the original).

I'm confused here. The language 'usually' works depending on the user's current language setting, not the page that they've come from. The Language Tag is a User setting, not a page setting.

If you want to change the language on a ChronoForms Thank You page then you can do that with a PHP switch statement. But I thought you were redirecting to the Joomla Contacts page??

Ruben 10 Nov, 2009

Hi Ruben,

If you want to change the language on a ChronoForms Thank You page then you can do that with a PHP switch statement. But I thought you were redirecting to the Joomla Contacts page??


Exactly, I want to have language dependent redirection. Everything is simple, I just want to be redirected to the same form's page which I submit.

P.S. The code didn't work. I'm always redirected to index.php?option=com_contact&lang=ru-RU.
Beata 10 Nov, 2009
Because the plugin don't work at all and nobody can't help even Max who created it !
GreyHead 10 Nov, 2009
Hi Ruben,

Then I think that either your language setting must be 'ru-RU'; or something in the SEF URLs is re-writign it. How are you setting it to test?


@Beata: this has nothing to do with the Multi-Language plugin, which works perfectly well if you follow the notes on the Help tab.
Ruben 10 Nov, 2009
Something strange happens. I made blank new Joomla installation and everything worked fine with redirect and translation. But on my website it doesn't work even when I disable Artio and all the other plugins which can disturb.
Ruben 11 Nov, 2009


Sorry, I am not very good with php.
The ndidn't worked at all for me.
I did translations in my own way. Read thread: http://chronoengine.com/forums.html?cont=posts&f=5&t=16282

I tried to do the way you described, but I have a problem. I created menu link to contacts_ru then in JoomFish English translation I pu contacts_en, but when you open contacts_ru and then press language flag it goes to contacts_ru&lang=en so it shows the same page. How you get rid of lang=xx?
Beata 11 Nov, 2009
I did links directly to my forms. Every form is manually translated in form manager, so I have 4 forms for 4 languages

Maybe this is not the best but at least work. Look at my pages:

Module Booking, under it 4 links to every form
Ruben 11 Nov, 2009
Ok, I see. This is really very rude and bad solution as you have to show all 4 links on every page, dies not matter which language it is. And also you don't have JoomFish flags on your forms page. It's also bad.

Thanks again, but this is not suitable for me.
Beata 12 Nov, 2009
Hi Ruben,

You gave me idea - to put links with flags manually in HTML codes for every form
Ruben 12 Nov, 2009
Then why you use Joomla if you're going to make everything with hand?🙂 It's better to use other forms component then ChronoForms.
Beata 12 Nov, 2009
I used these chronoforms very successfully a couple years ago, but not for multilanguage website.

This time before using chronoforms I tried Artforms and unsuccesfully, I got fatal error and nobody helped. I used a couple other forms but they didn't suit for me

Many of forms are commercial.

I did gallery with flash and xml by hand for Joomla and I am very happy, because sometimes galleries breaks like Datso in one of my website and nobody helps like with these chronofroms
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