
File Upload does not work for me

rtenny 31 May, 2009
I am trying now for a few hours to get the file upload to work but so far no luck. I have look at the tutorial PDF and I have done everything in there. I can upload files on forms I create myself but not with Chronoform. So its not a php problem either. The upload folder is also writeable and the necessary option I have also activated. The new file name is created as in the email I receive I can see the new file name (with the added data/time stamp). But the file itself is not uploaded to the folder.

Any Ideas?
GreyHead 31 May, 2009
Hi rtenny,

If you are using IE you may need to add enctype="mulitpart/form-data" in the form tag attachment box on the General Tab.

If this isn't the problem, please post a screen shot of your File Uploads tab here.

rtenny 31 May, 2009
Here the file upload tab. I can provide login details as well as I need to fix this urgently.
GreyHead 31 May, 2009
Hi rtenny,

That looks fine - one more thing to check - that the file input in the Form HTM has both the name='file_7' and id='file_7' - they both need to match the file Upload tab entry (actually I think the id it the more important but easiest to have them all match). It that don't match it's probably safest to change the id and/or the file upload tab to match the name.

If that isn't the problem email or PM me a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a look (it the middle of Sunday evening here so it may not be until tomorrow morning).

GreyHead 01 Jun, 2009
Hi rtenny,

Ok - I've got it working. I turned off FTP in the Global Configuration | Server tab and everything works fine. I've left DeBug turned on for the Form so that you can check.

I've turned it back on now in case it upsets something else on the site - but I suspect it is wrongly configured or just won't work on your server as it gives error messages in the Admin.

I've not seen this problem before and only stumbled over the solution when I tried to install exTplorer to check the folders and got FTP errors (the installation also ran OK with FTP off).

rtenny 02 Jun, 2009
Thanks for your help. I dont need the FTP so I will leave it of.
Great support. Thanks again
alita 08 Jun, 2009

The upload doesn't work for me either, I followed everything in this post but couldn't get it to work. When I use the debug, I can see the file and its new file name but the file is not present in the upload folder.

I would be glad if someone could help me

Jesus Loves You
GreyHead 08 Jun, 2009
Hi Alwin,

Most likely a permissions problem with the uploads folder.

alita 08 Jun, 2009
Hi Bob,

Thank you for your prompt reply. I checked the permission issues and I didn't see any issue with that. I changed it 777 and I still don't see the file being uploaded into the folder in chronocontact.

Any help to get it to work would surely be appreciated.

Jesus Loves You
GreyHead 08 Jun, 2009
Hi Alwin,

Please turn debug on and post a link to the form.

GreyHead 08 Jun, 2009
Hi Alwin,

This looks like an old version of ChronoForms - which version are you running?

Also the email template contains {browse} for the file upload field but the form itself has 'file_8' as the field name. What do you have on the File Uploads tab?

alita 08 Jun, 2009
Hi Bob,

I am running v3.1 RC3. There is no place in the components area to actually check the version or atleast I am not aware of, I got it out of the installation file which I use.

In the file uploads section I have file_8:doc|pdf{1000-1}

Does this look right?

I really do appreciate all your help very much... Thank you

Jesus Loves You
GreyHead 08 Jun, 2009
Hi Alwin,

That all looks good.

I'd need to add some diagnostics to check further - if you like you can email or Pm me a superadmin logon and I'll take a further look.


PS Version numbers are available from Admin | Extensions | Install/Uninstall | Components (not always 100% reliable though as the entries are take from the component xml file and that doesn't always get updated).

alita 08 Jun, 2009
Hi Bob,

I have emailed you the login details. Please let me know if you have got it.

Jesus Loves You
GreyHead 08 Jun, 2009
Hi Alwin,

Files are uploading OK - there are six of mine in the uploads/Careers folder

alita 15 Jun, 2009
Hi Bob,

Thank you for working that out for me. However, when I upload any files be it a pdf or a doc it doesn't appear. Any idea why? Would you mind trying to upload a doc file please.

Jesus Loves You
alita 15 Jun, 2009
Hi Bob,

I also want to mention, I downloaded, one of your files and renamed and it and tried to upload and it didn't happen. If the file has a space in the filename would it not upload? Are you uploading it from a Mac or a PC?

Please do let me know.

Jesus Loves You
GreyHead 15 Jun, 2009
Hi Alwin,

I'm uploading from a PC. If I remember correctly there's a problem loading files with spaces in their names from IE (but not from FireFox).

alita 15 Jun, 2009
Hi Bob,

Thank you for being patient with me during this issue. I really do appreciate it.

This is what I did, but the upload doesn't upload for me:

1. I tried uploading from a Mac with firefox, a pdf file with and without spaces, it didn't work.And even a doc file didn't work.
2. I tried uploading from a PC with IE and with no spaces in the file name and it didn't work. Again I tried both a pdf as well as a doc file.

I don't really understand this issue. I would glad if you could help me understand, what must I do, to get it to work. Your able to upload and we are unable to upload. So this is perplexing me. Please help me!!

Jesus Loves You
GreyHead 15 Jun, 2009
Hi Alwin,

I added enctype='multipart/form-data' to the Form Tag Attachment box and all seems to be OK.

alita 15 Jun, 2009
Hi Bob,

I thank you so very very much. I really appreciate all the pain you've gone through.

Where did you had to add the tag, so that the next time this happens I am informed as to what to do.

Jesus Loves You
GreyHead 15 Jun, 2009
Hi Alwin,

See the box on the Form General tab.

alita 15 Jun, 2009
Hi Bob,

Once again, thank you so much for taking out your time to help me out with this issue. I am really grateful.

Thank you... once again.

Jesus Loves You
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