
Worldpay and Email

simon 26 Feb, 2007
Hello, I want to be able to receive the data via a templated email AND submit it to the Worldpay payment gateway (action) - How do I do this with ChronoEngine?

Thank you for your time,<br><br>Post edited by: simon, at: 2007/02/26 00:05
Max_admin 06 Mar, 2007
Hi Simon,

Iam sorry to tell this but inorder to receive the email the action URL must not be changed, and in order to submit to worldpay it must be changed, this needs some workaround then, other users asked about this too but I still didnt have a solution for this, some ideas are available but Iam trying to find the best reliable one.


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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