
Quote on Custom Survey with a variable auto responder

jxsn 22 Apr, 2009
See this post for more details Looking for the PHP or that would trigger the auto responder after the form was submitted

Here is some more info for clarity:

the user is free to answer questions however they like. The System would only return a response to them at the end of the survey depending on how they answer 3 of the X number of questions.

You would answer all of the questions about interior design and if your answers determined that you were personality type A it would say due to your responses "We feel you have an A type personality and you should paint the walls in your office red to promote energy."

Then if I were to answer the survey and it determined that I was a personality type B it would say due to your responses "We feel you have a B type personality and you should paint the walls in your office green to promote creativity."

There will only be two responses that are ever be given and they will be determined by, from what I understand, 3 out of the let say 30 questions, all 30 are Multiple choice.

It would be great if the form could only show one question at a time but i am not sure it is a requirement at this time.

I will have all questions prior to build and logic behind it to trigger the response.

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